WayForward Bring Thriller to WiiWare

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.03.2008 5

WayForward have announced a WiiWare exclusive unnerving adventure entitled LIT.

LIT follows a high-school student, Jake, as he travels around classes overrun by creatures using light to create safe parts. Jake seeks to escape the school to meet with his girlfriend Rachel who contacts him via phones throughout the story.

"We decided to make it an action-puzzler because of how infrequently horror and puzzling gets combined in games, and to squeeze out the greatest amount of gameplay possible from a limited file size."

Thanks to Aussie-Nintendo for the tip.

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This is the game Bozon at IGN was hinting about, his bro works for them. WayForward did the fine Contra DS that I love so I am looking forward to this, it's sounds like it could be a cool game.

This could be quite good.

"We decided to make it an action-puzzler because of how infrequently horror and puzzling gets combined in games"


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action-puzzle? Haven't played one of those in a long time.. I like them.

Cost plz..
Sounds interesting if cost it low

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Yeah, horror and puzzle never get combined.

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