Its Crazy and it can go in your pocket....

By James Temperton 30.01.2003 1

Crazy Taxi: Catch a Ride

We have the first screenshots of Crazy Taxi: Catch a Ride and, although they're not of the best quality, they do show that the game's graphical style has been faithfully ported.

The GBA version of everyone's favourite cab ride sticks to the arcade action of previous titles but will have new areas and mini-games. Single and multiplay will be included in the game, which is scheduled for release some time in the spring.

Lets just hope that SEGA decide to bring in some new idea before the idea gets even more 'been there done that'

Behold the screens.....

Image for Its Crazy and it can go in your pocket....

Image for Its Crazy and it can go in your pocket....
" rel="external" class='fmlink'>[/img]

Image for Its Crazy and it can go in your pocket....

Image for Its Crazy and it can go in your pocket....

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