C3 Exclusive Interview | Keen Games Talks Secret Files: Tunguska on Nintendo

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.03.2008 7

Secret Files: Tunguska on Nintendo's Wii
Interview by Adam Riley :: Tuesday 04th March 2008

It appears that Wii fans are getting what they desired, with the adventure genre already starting to pour onto the system thanks to its motion sensitive control set-up being a good replica of a PC's mouse movement. Following Capcom's Zack & Wiki and the recent release of Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None, Keen Games has been busy bringing over Secret Files: Tunguska to Wii and Adam Riley was lucky enough to catch up with the team to discuss the project in more detail...
Adam Riley, Operation Director at Cubed3: First of all, what made you decide to bring Secret Files to Wii and how long has the game been in development?
René Lange, Associate Producer on Secret Files: Tunguska for Wii: Usually, when you play PC games you are sitting a short distance in front of your monitor, using a mouse and keyboard which are next to you on the desk. Someone who likes to play point & click adventures, like for example Secret Files: Tunguska, might want to do this in a more relaxed environment. The Wii console is a great system that supports the right input device for such adventures, allowing these games to be played on a big TV, while making yourself comfortable on your sofa.
I think that during the 8 months of development, we successfully brought Secret Files: Tunguska to Wii for a more comfortable and relaxed gaming experience.
Q: Do you have a date set for the game's release on both Wii and DS yet?
The game is expected to be released at the same time for both platforms. However, there is no definite date set upon now, but the plan is to release both versions right after Easter.
Q: What are your thoughts on developing for Wii so far?  Have there been any particular surprises during development, either positive or negative?
As our first Wii title, one particularly positive surprise we had during development of Secret Files: Tunguska was that the disc drive system of the console is pretty fast compared to other consoles, even though the optimisation of loading data had not even been started at that point.
Developing games for Wii is a lot of fun. The console is an excellent platform to try out new game ideas as the input devices differ from other consoles. With the Wii Remote and Nunchuk as well as the increasing number of additional devices like the Wii Balance Board, there are many possibilities of supporting new and amazing game play controls.
Q: Can you please give a brief overview of the storyline and explain why Wii owners should be looking forward to this?
The story is based on the mysterious incident in Siberia in 1908 - an event that had wide-area effects. This real incident is known under the name Tunguska Event and was a massive explosion that to this day can't be entirely explained by science. An enormous amount of trees were razed to the ground within a radius of about 50 kilometres. The explosion was still noticeable up to a radius of hundreds of kilometres. This event is the basis the storyline rests upon. The story starts with the father of the main character Nina disappearing. Looking for her father, Nina has to visit many different locations - amongst others Tunguska. In doing so, Nina will have to unravel the mystery of the Tunguska Event, which of course she will succeed in doing. However, the solution will be fictional, since as mentioned before, scientists are still trying to understand what really happened in 1908. The main plot is based on real events nevertheless.
Having such a background, the player will experience an interesting adventure with an exciting story and many riddles. It will be like watching a great adventure movie, but with the addition of interaction.
Q: Have you been able to fit all the video sequences and voice work into this Wii version?
Yes, the media of the Wii console provides enough space to fit all the video and audio from the original PC version into this version.
Q: How will you be implementing the Wii's motion sensing control system into the game?
For Secret Files: Tunguska we designed a control system that is simple and provides the characteristic controls of a point & click adventure. Therefore, the Wii Remote controls for the game are pretty straight forward. Additionally, the player can use the Nunchuk to move the player's character in the scene. There is even the possibility to connect a second Wii Remote for a second player. The second player will be able to move a second cursor on the screen to support the other player by pointing at locations or objects and therefore attract the first player's attention.
Q: Will there be any particular additions to the game so those that played the original will be interested in this as well?
We adapted the game play to the controls of the Nintendo Wii. There are some differences how the player receives feedback and gets used to the scene as well as to the handling of the game. So, it is a different gaming experience compared to the one you have when playing the game on PC.
Q: How long, roughly, would you say it will take to complete Secret Files: Tunguska?
It will take about 12 or more hours to complete the game, depending on how long you need to solve the riddles.
Q: Did any consideration go into implementing any form of online content, perhaps something like extra download content to help extend the game?  (If not, please explain why)
For the development of Secret Files: Tunguska, we didn't consider any online content as extra downloadable content. The game is based on the original PC version and therefore the storyline is a complete one in itself, so there would not have been any reasonable additional content as downloads.
Q: What are some of the major sacrifices you have had to make with the Nintendo Wii edition?
Luckily there were no sacrifices needed for bringing Secret Files: Tunguska onto the Wii console. We are truly happy with the result and looking forward to the release of the game.
Q: If this proves successful, are there plans to bring more Secret Files games to Wii in the future?
Of course it will be a great and interesting opportunity to bring more Secret Files games or other adventures to Wii. And I am sure that there will be more of them coming for Wii at some point. To what extent there will be more of these games also depend on how the community responses to adventures like Secret Files: Tunguska.
Q: Considering The Adventure Company has already brought Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None to Wii and has hinted that more is set to come, what other PC classic adventures would you like to see on Wii?
I would like to see Asylum, Gruds in Space or Space Quest on the Nintendo Wii. J
Q: What are your thoughts on the WiiWare download service?  Could we see you supporting that with any projects?
The WiiWare service is a great opportunity to bring game ideas directly as downloads to this platform. In particular, small and independent developers can easily publish their games using this service. I think we might see some new game play ideas here in the future.
Q: Finally, what PC adventure games are you looking forward to in 2008?
Personally, I really look forward to A Vampyre Story, Alone in the Dark 5 - which seems a more action based game - and of course Secret Files 2 J
Q: There is mention of the Wii Balance Board at one point. Does this mean your team would consider supporting it in the future?
The Wii console supports many great ways how players can interact with games. The Wii Balance Board is only one interesting input device. Time will tell to what extent we might support these new control systems in the future.
Q: Will the game be compatible with the Classic Controller or the GameCube pad for those that are more comfortable using a traditional control scheme?
We think that the best way to play this game is to use the Wii Remote. Therefore, Secret Files: Tunguska will not support the Classic Controller or the Nintendo GameCube Controller.

Questions answered by René Lange, Associate Producer for the Wii version of Secret Files: Tunguska.

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Thanks for the interview.
I played and completed the game on PC (thanks to winning it in a contest on adventure europe).
Personaly I really enjoyed it. It had really good humour, and logical puzzles.

I wont be getting the Wii version, no point, but I'll certainly get the second game if it comes to Wii.
If not PC.
Even if the second game is rubbish (I dought it), the first game was fun enough for me to feel like I owe them :p

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Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Tunguska? That reminds me of The X-Files more than anything...

Seems promising. I didn't grab it on the PC, due to lack of cash for the last forever, but still.

I'll put this on my "Iwantthis" list.

I Is Playing: SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL The only game I'll play for a long while.

I'm getting this and all point-and-click adventures on the Wii, on day one.
Nice interview.

Top games:
5-The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
4-Super Mario Galaxy
3-Eternal Darkness
2-Super Mario Bros 3
1-Super Mario Bros

I haven't really followed this game, so I might've missed this, but what is the difference between the DS and the Wii versions of this game?

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Resolution :p maybe sound quality, not much else.

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Nice interview Mr. Adam - looks/sounds like a decent game, should be interesting to follow.

Point n click is definitely growing one me!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

AR: If this proves successful, are there plans to bring more Secret Files games to Wii in the future?

RL: Of course, it will be a great and interesting opportunity to bring more Secret Files games or other adventures to Wii. And I am sure that there will be more of them coming for Wii at some point. To what extent there will be more of these games also depend on how the community responds to adventures like Secret Files: Tunguska.

Nice to see long-term support being planned...

AR: Considering The Adventure Company has already brought Agatha Christie�s And Then There Were None to Wii and has hinted that more is set to come, what other PC classic adventures would you like to see on Wii?

RL: I would like to see Asylum, Gruds in Space or Space Quest on the Nintendo Wii *smiles*

Sounds like teasing...I wonder if something's secretly being planned?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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