Nintendo Continues to Plug Naruto on Wii in Europe

By Adam Riley 04.03.2008 10

Nintendo has confirmed it is bringing the new Naruto on Wii to Europe this month, with Ninja Revolution hitting later in March:

"Join the Ninja Revolution as the legendary Naruto anime franchise makes its long awaited European debut on Wii in Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution European Version on March 28th. Featuring the very best of Naruto, this brand new game combines the latest characters, environments and storylines with the next generation technology of the Wii, resulting in a fast and furious fighting game guaranteed to bring out the Ninja in you.

"Set in and around the mystical village of Hidden Leaf, Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution European Version takes key elements from the recently aired Chunin Exam storyline and gives players the chance to play as their favourite characters to become the greatest ninja that ever lived. With four key modes of gameplay

Box art for Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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Sounds good. Never played any Naruto games but I've heard they are quite good fun.

.....�49.99? That's a JOKE right?

OK, not buying now.

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The new 360 game is excellent, The price for this game not so much.

The 360 game is great, and I have it, so I won't be buying this. Unless they take off about �30.

It is basically the japanese game with different characters (because of it being a different part of the story) and with some extra wii waving added on (which I believe is optional)

The Naruto fighting games on GC were very good fun and this is basically the same thing. The 360 game is more of single player experience (the fighting in it is terrible lol) but this one is definitely a fun multiplayer fighting game.

Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution European Version features the largest number of playable characters from the Naruto series and introduces several prominent and popular characters for the first time

Doesn\'t Clash of Ninja Revolution have 20 characters? Smilie Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4 had 39.
Probably won\'t bother with this...I have Naruto 4 on \'Cube. Also have the 360 Naruto...although the fighting is far inferior to the Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen series IMO. At least it has downloadable new characters.
It\'s too expensive, and it\'ll have far less content than an imported japanese Naruto game. Plus I doubt it\'ll have the option for subs. >.<

Seriously, it\'s only at the chunin exams?! O.o
Thank god the US One Piece Wii game is up to the japanese anime storyline, despite the dub being way behind it. :p Plus the funimation dubbing isn\'t too bad...

Also, I\'m pretty dubious of Wii fighting games without GC control...I feel it\'s just going to be lots of shaking the Wiimote...

( Edited 04.03.2008 15:25 by Ikana )

Ikana said:

Also, I'm pretty dubious of Wii fighting games without GC control...I feel it's just going to be lots of shaking the Wiimote...

It has control options for using the GC controller, so no waggle is required if you dont want to Smilie

Kamakaze said:
Ikana said:

Also, I'm pretty dubious of Wii fighting games without GC control...I feel it's just going to be lots of shaking the Wiimote...

It has control options for using the GC controller, so no waggle is required if you dont want to Smilie

Heheh, yeah, just read that somewhere else. Certainly a good thing. Smilie
Still, the most important thing in a fighting game (IMO) is a big character roster, especially in a game like Naruto/Smash Bros, where the characters aren't originally from fighting games. And considering this has half of the characters that Naruto 4 has, it's not really worth getting. Smilie

they should make naruto story games not fighting games all the timeSmilie

Masterbate ME!! said:
they should make naruto story games not fighting games all the timeSmilie

There are plenty of Naruto RPGs on DS...and the 360 game has a a story mode... Smilie

( Edited 05.03.2008 14:37 by Ikana )

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