Capcom Enjoys More Resi Evil Success on Nintendo Wii

By Adam Riley 04.03.2008 13

Capcom has today confirmed that its latest Resident Evil has crossed the million mark. Following the recent revelation that Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles was rapidly closing in on a million sales worldwide, Capcom has joyously announced that the milestone has indeed now been surpassed.

With Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition well on its way to selling nearly 1.2 million units around the world and The Umbrella Chronicles very quickly shooting past a million already, it certainly bodes well for the performance of Resident Evil 0's Wii port in a couple of months in Japan. And if it does indeed get a Western release thanks to strong Japanese sales, it might even have a chance at beating the GameCube original's 1.25 million worldwide sales!

Also, remember that rumour-monger Surfer Girl reckons that Capcom has a sequel to The Umbrella Chronicles tucked away for later this year as well...but who knows?

Box art for Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles





First Person Shooter



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Who cares, not me. I have all the RE Collection and have not bought UC, I will do when it's to be found in the bargain bin.

I wont be buying any RE game on Wii unless it has the same degree of quality as seen in RE4, if not Capcom can F off for all I care about shitty ports and low quality software. UC is a complete utter joke of a game, I will be getting my Zombie fill in Left4Dead and nothing more within this year, until 5 comes out next year on the PS3.

Nice of you to pass judgement on UC without playing it first

Our member of the week

Dear Capcom,

If ye're gonna make remakes, then bring us RE2 & 3 remakes with graphics at least equal if not superior to that of Rebirth and Zero instead of releasing a game that's strictly identical to its Gamecube version which ON TOP OF THAT IS PLAYABLE ON THE WII !!!

What are you thinking Capcom ?? Stop the bullshit !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

NOOO! no more umbrella chronical BS! that is not resident evil! if you want to remake something. remake RE2 and RE3 for Wii! my God this RE0 bs and UC needs to die!

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

As far as I understood there wasn't nothing much wrong with UC other than people getting up their own arses about light gun games all of a sudden and thinking any company would make an investment RE4 size on a console and what they see as a new "demographic" when they're already doing RE5.

Simez said:
Nice of you to pass judgement on UC without playing it first

Err I have played it actually, and was not impressed in the slightest. I have played it up to level three at a mates.

I am concerned that fellow Wii owners are growing accustomed to crap games and disregarding obvious flaws. Yes it\'s a lightgun game, but it\'s not a great one, it screams of the shoddy in places and never shows the mark of quality at any point in the levels I have played..

The only Capcom PS2 port I am looking forward to is that cool adventure game (?), of which name I cannot recall just now. Star for anyone that can remember the name and post a link to that trailer.

( Edited 04.03.2008 15:01 by Linkyshinks )

Oh you have played it, sorry about that. Anywho, seeing as it wasn't present in UC! I also really want Re2 to be made with the RE4 engine beefed up for Wii, including an orchestrated remake of the soundtrack. RE2 had the best music in the series. That would be awesome, plus Claire and Sherry are the only Resi characters that haven't been remade using Nintendo's hardware.

something original would be great.

linkyshinks are you talking about Okami?

Good news on UC.

I didn't think it was too bad, god some good production values, some fairly good visuals in places. Voice acting was pretty crap, but in general it is for the series.

An original series for Wii would be great.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I quite liked umbrella chronicles...2 player coop was a lot of fun and I liked how they used the accuracy of the pointer rather than make a standard on rails shooter like house of the dead or ghost squad which gives you a massive blast radius in comparison. Helped make it feel more unique and added a bit of depth.

Only thing I didn't like was the single player only missions was just plain silly, it's a coop game at heart why limit certain levels to 1 player?

The "panic" sections were you waggled or pressed a button at the right time, while could be difficult in one player it was a nightmare in 2 player as it doubled the chances of someone fucking up.

Not a bad game at all in my book.

So what about more Wii support huh Capcom!!! Resident Evil 5: Wii Edition. Do it.

But it would be shite.

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