Wii TV Channel Revealed: TV Control with Wii Remote

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.03.2008 18

The Wii's TV Guide Channel has been revealed, including some nifty channel switching features and TV control with the Wii Remote.

A swanky video courtesy to NeoGAF member WiiRevolution1.

Image for Wii TV Channel Revealed: TV Control with Wii Remote

Image for Wii TV Channel Revealed: TV Control with Wii Remote

Image for Wii TV Channel Revealed: TV Control with Wii Remote

Image for Wii TV Channel Revealed: TV Control with Wii Remote

According to hands-on reports, players can sync up their remotes to the TV, bridging the gap between Wii control and TV control. When a program is selected on the guide it jumps straight to the correct channel for viewing, and to jump back, players press home and it reverts. TV bookmarks can also be shared with friends. Got something to watch? Send it away!

An interesting way of sharing tv or a pointless addition to the channel line-up? Be sure to have your say below.

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Awesome update, a very handy feature, now there is no need to ever turn off your Wii Smilie

Looks very cool...sadly, though, Nintendo Europe has told Eurogamer there are "no plans for Europe" Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Would be a great feature if it would come out over here.

now THAT's something I want...

Linkyshinks said:
Awesome update, a very handy feature, now there is no need to ever turn off your Wii Smilie
That's what Nintendo are aiming for... for sure.

Nintendo wants world domination. Srsly you guys. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Interesting, yet I still don't understand.

jesusraz said:
Looks very cool...sadly, though, Nintendo Europe has told Eurogamer there are "no plans for Europe" Smilie

I think the same, I was going to include my doubts in my post but thought I should be positive and removed them at the last mo. I hope, despite these reports from Eurogamer.

Joe, Sync your TV infra red signal code to your Wii remote, exchange bookmarks on your listings with other Wii Friends who will receive messages and reminders to watch.

meh, tv sucks. im not that excited.

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

and here I thought it was going to be a simple TV Guide feature. Sounds great!Smilie

Bah, you made me think this was today's update for European Wiis. Smilie

Soo...how does it work exactly? You select a show on the Wii, and the wiimote acts as a TV remote to switch your TVs channel to the right one? It actually seems a little pointless to me...other than to keep tabs on the shows you want to watch. Also, I was under the impression that the Wiimote didn\'t emmit infra-red...the sensor bar does, the wiimote just receives it...?

( Edited 04.03.2008 16:34 by Ikana )

jesusraz said:
Looks very cool...sadly, though, Nintendo Europe has told Eurogamer there are "no plans for Europe" Smilie

ya I say it will never come over here i think it would be too mush hassle how would it connect to our sky channels and then to our local channels?

This looks pretty cool. I really want to see a trailer showing how you control the TV using the Wiimote. A TV Guide Is Always Helpful Though.

Ikana said:
It actually seems a little pointless to me...
Well its main feature is a TV guide - also it has random features like sending reminders about TV programs to your phone...
I've been playing around with it now Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

That's pretty nifty. I could see myself using it for a little while, but then not bothering. Still though, pretty cool and hopefully something that makes it to the West.

My mums been using it for like the past hour nowSmilie
Reading about all the different Japanese TV shows.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

That's scary. The Wii now has a constant link to Nintendo and can control our TVs.
I might need to start unplugging the sensor bar after this update.

MasterStyl said:
That's scary. The Wii now has a constant link to Nintendo and can control our TVs.
I might need to start unplugging the sensor bar after this update.
haha some bored Nintendo worker during his lunch break could pull a prank on you and keep changing the channel you're watching.Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

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