Possible Release for RE:0 in the US/Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.03.2008 10

Capcom have recently commented on the recently announced Resident Evil 0 Wii port for Japan, and chances of it flocking to the West.

According to CVG, Capcom's head of US public relations Chris Kramer commented on Europe and US's decision to pass up the opportunity.

"We are watching the progress on the game, and if it ends up blowing up huge like RE4 Wii did, we'll evaluate the possibility of bringing it over here and flipping the lingo sos that y'all can read it."

So a maybe, then. With that in mind, would you like to see Resident Evil 0 make it to these shores, or is it something that should remain with Godzilla and co?

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Hopes for it coming here!

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Considering sales were limited on the GC, I think a Wii Port makes lots of sense from a business perspective. RE0 barely broke a million worldwide on GC, and yet RE4's fourth release on Wii managed to easily fly past a million, despite low expectations.

The only shame is that the game's not being reworked to control like RE4. However, apparently it's going to be a kind of point-and-click affair from what I understand now...which could be quite cool. I don't see why this should be left in Japan, that's for sure!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Seeing how I missed RE0 on the GC, would be great to pick up the port, as long as it controls are somewhat similar to RE4. [

jesusraz said:
Considering sales were limited on the GC, I think a Wii Port makes lots of sense from a business perspective. RE0 barely broke a million worldwide on GC, and yet RE4\'s fourth release on Wii managed to easily fly past a million, despite low expectations.

The only shame is that the game\'s not being reworked to control like RE4. However, apparently it\'s going to be a kind of point-and-click affair from what I understand now...which could be quite cool. I don\'t see why this should be left in Japan, that\'s for sure!

What do you mean by a \"point-and-click affair\".

( Edited 04.03.2008 11:41 by mOojc )

flipping the lingos?

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

mOojc, I heard the Wii controller can be used for movement, but I may have misinterpreted it...the only way I see the Wii remote doing that is in a point and click fashion.

Not sure, though, so don't take my word for it! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

how many of these 'test' games are needed before a new proper resi is made for wii

jesusraz said:
mOojc, I heard the Wii controller can be used for movement, but I may have misinterpreted it...the only way I see the Wii remote doing that is in a point and click fashion.

Not sure, though, so don\'t take my word for it! Smilie

I heard the same that the game would only use the wii-mote but to what extent i don\'t know.

( Edited 04.03.2008 17:28 by iangennery )

Hmmm resident evil 0 ehh? never really liked it that much but at least if it does come over to EU then my bros will prolly buy it Smilie. They will be quite happy if it does get released over here

( Edited 04.03.2008 22:22 by Megaman X )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

This seems like another buy for me, since the Wii has actually made me like Resident Evil. I know it sounds strange, but I never really liked it on other consoles(I always felt the controls were to constraining for a survival horror title). Some of you may argue that the constraining controls created more horror, I say to you I like to run away from some of my problems that are trying to eat me or atleast fightback accordingly.

RE4 made me kinda like the series on GC, but I still didn't wanna buy it. With the Wii version of RE4 they found the perfect horror game combination of stop and shoot with pinpoint accuracy mixed with life or death quick time events and a touch of run from the huge ass monster. The only bad thing I can see about RE0 is it not having all the cool features of RE4.

So Japan will be getting this in July I hope it won't take to long for the US version to drop. Anyway like someone said before the Wii does need an Exclusive/Proper/ New RE game. And hopefully it would be made in the RE4 gameplay style.

I have the same fondness for RE4 Wii as you, but I reckon you need to wait until you know more about this game before getting happy. You do need to see some actual in game footage first. I really don\'t think you should be keeping RE4 in mind when you think about this, from what I can make out this is a entirely different affair, restricted by the originals restrictive nature.

I want it to be good also, if it is I will get it for sure myself be it import or waiting it out.

( Edited 25.04.2008 20:08 by Linkyshinks )

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