New Final Fantasy Ring of Fates US Trailer (Nintendo DS)

By Adam Riley 03.03.2008 8

Square Enix has unleashed a new trailer from the US edition of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates on the Nintendo DS, which arrives in North America on 11th March and 30th March in Europe.

Check it out below:

Are you excited about this upcoming release following favourable reviews and the fact its gameplay differs from the GameCube edition?

Box art for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

Square Enix


Square Enix


Real Time RPG



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Couple of mates and I will be buying this. Multiplayer on this should be GREAT!


I personally loved the gamecube version, although I always played one-player unless I could convince my twin sister to play too. This is a rough time on my wallet now. With smash bros sunday and this plus missiy elliotts new cd, im screwed.

Great looking game, but will I need two copies in my household to get full enjoyment from it, I wonder.

I scrapped this from my list when they scrapped online play.

This game will still be awesome even without online play.

Glenjamin said:
This game will still be awesome even without online play.

Agreed. Though I was still disappointed when they removed online, it's not a big of a loss to me personally. Still would have been great though.

That's an excerpt from the CG intro when you turn on the game, it's much longer than that.

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