WiiWare Receives Eating Launch Title in the US

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.03.2008 6

A peculiar Major League Eating game will be gobbling your Wii Points as it makes its way into the WiiWare line-up in the US.

Jokes aside, the game sees gamers go against Nintendo's fitness regime and try to stuff as much virtual grub in their mouthes as possible, whilst using attacks like burping and mustard gas to put off opponents.

"Major League Eaters aren't just elite athletes. They are the people who built America."
Bill Swartzat - Mastiff

Thanks to EuroGamer.

Major League Eating launches alongside the WiiWare service on May 12th 2008.

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"Major League Eaters aren't just elite athletes. They are the people who built America."
Bill Swartzat - Mastiff


Sounds fun.


This really takes thew mic out of Americans. Doesn't it?

Actually sounds like a fun game.

Guest 03.03.2008#4

I don;t get it, as simple as it isSmilie


My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

Wow... Ummm... Hmmm... Guess we'll see huh?

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