Head Tracking for Boom Blox at GDC

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.02.2008 9

EA's upcoming Wii-exclusive, Boom Blox, is said to have head tracking functionality for a near-virtual reality experience.

At the end of EA's presentation on Boom Blox during this week's Game Developers' Conference, a representative showed an "Easter egg" that revealed head tracking in motion.

GoNintendo suggests that gamers will need some form of LED glasses or a wireless sensor bar to experience this bizare effect. Whether the option will be available in the retail version is still to be confirmed.

Box art for Boom Blox

Steven Spielberg







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bloody hell iam so get this now

I'd love to try out this bonus, but that probably won't happen.Smilie
This should get the attention of tech-geeks though. Smilie

Phoenixus said:
I'd love to try out this bonus, but that probably won't happen.Smilie
This should get the attention of tech-geeks though. Smilie

Lol, ya. God knows if any of what I typed was right technically Smilie

Looks impressive though!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer


I want this to be in the retail version!!! Smilie

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Phoenixus said:
This should get the attention of tech-geeks though. Smilie

Heheh, wasn't it the tech-geeks that came up with this first, ages ago? Smilie Didn't expect to see it being used in an actual game though. Great that EA picked up on it. Smilie

How do we know this is real head tracking? All I see is some movement through a 3D world. I don't see a guy moving around in real life, nor do I hear the guy talk about 'head tracking'.

Could be done with just the Wiimote. Still nice of course.

it's great that such a well publicised title is getting this functionality, perhaps others will follow suit. I think the game is a bit more tempting now.

Yeah I don't see the point of showing that first video... it doesn't show you anything. As soon as I heard about this i decided to at least rent this game. Smart move. More people need to implement this.

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