Sakurai Talks Smash at GDC

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.02.2008 13

During the Game Developers' Conference the brain behind Smash Bros. Brawl, Masahiro Sakurai, spoke on all things Smash.

IGN: Now that Brawl is complete, how do you feel about the game? What are you most proud of and is there anything you would change if you had more time?

Masahiro Sakurai: As far as tailoring or trying to get more down now that it's finished, looking back on it, I could have had another year or another two years and it wouldn't have changed the fact that I never have enough time to adjust or refine -- that's just the way it is for me. Thinking about the typical development process, the trend seems to be that when you finish a game that you've been working on for so long and breaking your back over, you kind of don't want to look at it anymore. You're done with it. But seeing Smash, I really, truly feel that this is a game that I'm really not tired of yet. I'm really enjoying it. I feel relieved in knowing that this game has that kind of staying power for myself and I'm very proud of that.

IGN: What would be that one specific feature you wish you could have added?

Masahiro Sakurai: I feel like anything I've considered I'm probably going to think about when -- I mean if -- another game was to come out in the series and so I'd like to keep a lid on that for now. and not disclose anything I've been thinking about there.

IGN: Have you received interest from other third parties who would very much like to have their characters included in Smash Bros. Brawl?

Masahiro Sakurai: Nope. No other ones.

IGN: Smash Bros. is a very competitive series, but you have avoided detailed online stat tracking and leader board ranking systems for Brawl. Why is that?

Masahiro Sakurai: Well, I'm sure that people hitting ranks one through 10, were there such a ranking system, would be incredibly pleased with it and having a lot of fun. But, you know, it's not fun for everybody involved per se if such a system were to exist. I was asked this time around to try and get Wi-Fi into the game and so certainly we've managed to get wireless battles so you can play with people in other places. But it's really a game in my mind that has been designed to be played with a smaller group of people -- be that a group of friends or within your house a group of family members -- competing in the small circles and not really worrying about winning and losing so much as the process that gets you there. That is where the fun should hopefully be for a lot of people. It can also be kind of trying and painful for some people who want to be at the top and think that they're really good at Smash and they look at their online ranking and they're the one-hundred-thousandth best Smash Bros. player -- those are some of the reasons I've decided not to go with leader boards.

Be sure to read more on Sakurai's Brawl philosophies over at IGN.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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He also mentions dlc, saying there would be none, and that the Wii cannot handle it easily, if at all.

So there you go Smilie Wii's tiny harddrive strikes again.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Awww, I had some hope for the "Forbiddon 7". Smilie

SuperLink said:
He also mentions dlc, saying there would be none, and that the Wii cannot handle it easily, if at all.

So there you go Smilie Wii's tiny harddrive strikes again.

Such a bloody shame, argh. Hopefully hopefully when some form of extra storage comes about we'll get some extras.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah, I doubt that too. From the sounds of things, Sakurai enjoys Smash Bros, so maybe there is hope for an 8th gen SSB4, in which I'm sure it will have all that Brawl is missing.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I really don't like that guy. After reading that interview it seems like he's limited the game in many ways. e.g. no voice chat? why not?! And no DLC? we have SD cards, I have a few 2gig card. Moron

No DL content? Now thats upsetting seeing how much the ps3 has... o well, I gues we can still hope!

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

I don't think those were aspects in his control, more like fucking Nintendo executives. This guy did so much for this game, and put in stuff we so really wanted, like a level editor.


He took out voice chat, leaderboard and denied DLC. Nintendo do encourage those features such as DLC.

Well, I'm happy with how Brawl truned out and it seems likely that some time in the distant future that another Smash game will come out. So we can all keep our fingers crossed for those other features and modes to come later on in the next game.

e.g. no voice chat? why not?!

It's pointless to put in voice chat. It's neccesary for games like Halo, because that requires team strategie, and telling people to watch out for that guy sniping on the rooftop, and telling your team to go to the engine room. That's where voicechat comes in handy. If Brawl had voicechat it would just be obnoxous kids screaming obsenities becuase there losing, and then afterwards saying "good game". It's completely useless because Brawl depends entirely on one strategie, your own.

( Edited 21.02.2008 21:42 by Weo )

Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

Some people talk to each other after matches.
I used to voice chat on Metroid after or before a battle.

Simez said:
no voice chat? why not?! Moron
there is no where to plug the cord in ya dummy....
Weo said:
e.g. no voice chat? why not?!

It's pointless to put in voice chat. It's neccesary for games like Halo, because that requires team strategie, and telling people to watch out for that guy sniping on the rooftop, and telling your team to go to the engine room. That's where voicechat comes in handy. If Brawl had voicechat it would just be obnoxous kids screaming obsenities becuase there losing, and then afterwards saying "good game". It's completely useless because Brawl depends entirely on one strategie, your own.

i agree with you there weo....

( Edited 22.02.2008 14:44 by The Wandering Sword )

You called me a dummy,

First take the one out of your mouth junior, then crawl to the back of the Wii.

Now unlike ya momma there are 2 empty holes at the back, those are called universal serial buses or USB for dummies like you.

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