Nintendo to Dominate 2008 with Wii & DS, Says Activision

By Adam Riley 08.02.2008 14

Activision recently spoke out during its recent earnings conference call about how it believes Nintendo will rule the North American market during 2008 thanks to its Wii and Nintendo DS systems. According to the company, Nintendo's Wii will be the out-right winner of the calendar year, selling over six million units at least, with the predicted runner-up being Microsoft's Xbox 360 with between four and five million units, followed by Sony's PlayStation 3 with around three-to-four million sold.

As for the Nintendo DS, Activision also reckons that between it and the PlayStation Portable, more than ten million hardware units will be sold this year.

Whatever the case, it certainly seems most people believe Nintendo is in for yet another prosperous sales year.

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You mean you have to predict that?

Gawd Activision are slow. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That's some pretty cool predictions.

I predict that gaming market analysts will make a similar prediction. Smilie

I predict a Riot

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
I predict a Riot

Best thing to do is stay away from Ken Kutaragi I guess.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I think people are underestimating the Playstation 3 this year. It's not going to repeat last year. Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII, Liittle Big Planet, Resistance 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV. Plus they're supposedly releasing a smaller version and I bet they're going to be dropping the price again some time this year.

I hope they're going to give it some decent support to reflect this then. Guitar Hero 3 was a good starting point.

jb said:
I predict a Riot

na na na na na na.....

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

tiamat1990 said:
I think people are underestimating the Playstation 3 this year. It's not going to repeat last year. Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII, Liittle Big Planet, Resistance 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV. Plus they're supposedly releasing a smaller version and I bet they're going to be dropping the price again some time this year.

Indeed, PS3 sales are definitely on an upward trend. Wii will surely still outsell it over the whole of 2008 though?

I swear I (and most people here) could easily become a games market analyst when we're older...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

There is no doubt PS3 will do very well next year, we'll just have to wait and see how it compares to the offerings of the Wii and Xbox360.

tiamat1990 said:
I think people are underestimating the Playstation 3 this year. It's not going to repeat last year. Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII, Liittle Big Planet, Resistance 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV. Plus they're supposedly releasing a smaller version and I bet they're going to be dropping the price again some time this year.

You left out Devil May Cry 4 =.=||| Jeez
Anyhow, although PS3 might be pretty well this year, I yet not see it surpass Wii as the brawl will own it for at least a season XD
yes, and that's it for my PREDICTION, haha, good job activision -.-

Gaming, gaming, and gaming, plus more gaming, with additional gaming, thus the result of gaming is more gaming, and perpetuation of endless gaming.

tiamat1990 said:
I think people are underestimating the Playstation 3 this year. It's not going to repeat last year. Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII, Liittle Big Planet, Resistance 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV.

Yes, PS3 will ge getting bigger this year. Great games yoming. But there where quite similar a number of games predicted for 2007 on Wii and there where not a lot of cores coming out back then.

and X360 had a lot of 'great games' and still was slow, in Germany it was last in Christmas sells. So 5 games don't make a summer (why, how lyrical).

Plus they're supposedly releasing a smaller version and I bet they're going to be dropping the price again some time this year.

No and no! They already released the smaller version, already dropped the price!

Cubed� said:(...)
about how it believes Nintendo will rule the North American market during 2008 thanks to its Wii and Nintendo DS systems.

Then give us core games! And good ones.
Wait: Does Activision actually has any good IPs woth playing? EA has none... Activision is more bad then EA so... no! *lol*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

You left out Devil May Cry 4 =.=||| Jeez

Tis multi platform though.

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