Dragon Quest IX on Nintendo DS Finished, Square Wants More on Wii

By Adam Riley 01.02.2008 17

The highly anticipated RPG for the Nintendo DS, Dragon Quest IX, is approaching the completion stage, stated the head of Square Enix, Yoichi Wada in an interview with Bloomberg Japan. He talked about how there are many people eager to get their hands on the game in Japan, so both Square Enix and developer Level 5 are working as hard as possible to match the high standards expected. Right now they are busying themselves with some core tweaking for the Wi-Fi online mode, as well as the Single Player mode's 'balance'. He also stated that it was important the game is not rushed to the completion stage due to its status, thus no release date was revealed.

In addition to this, Wada-san also slipped in a very intriguing nugget of information about how he wants Square Enix to make more games on Wii, plus he is very interested in the download model of the Wii. With a few Squaresoft and Enix classics already making their way onto the Virtual Console and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land heading to WiiWare next month in Japan, the fact that he mentions the download services again implies further support must be forthcoming at some point. Good news indeed!

What else would people like to see on the Virtual Console or WiiWare service?

Box art for Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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It's nice to know they're taking their time with the game to make it as good as possible.

And I'd like to see a new IP from Squenix on WiiWare. Lol Smilie

How exciting! Content on either service is fine with me.

Three Wii games announced so far, two released and the other off the radar completely. S-E needs to show more of its hand very soon...

DS support seems to have dried up somewhat as well. What have they got planned? DQV, DQVI, Front Mission 2089...erm, and I can't think of much else on the horizon in Japan that's been confirmed.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I'd like to see Square try a platformer!

Cool characters, great plot, and platforming = win.Smilie

Sounds good. Now they need to bring the wealth of RPGs to western shores.

There's Crystal Chronicles, Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy IV still to come for DS!

I meant in Japan, Simez, but KH is indeed one I missed off the list.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Number of Square's DS games yet to be released in Japan = 4.

Number of Square's DS games yet to be released outside Japan = 10000000.


Final Fantasy Tactics A2 has yet to be released here as well.


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is a franchise. I would expect more entries into that series for the DS since the series is still young and needs to establish itself. This goes for the Wii also. Slightly off topic I know but it had to be stated.

Well then give us Kingdom Hearts 3!!! We want to swing that Keyblade with our Wiimotes!

patjuan, I'm sure another FFCC game will hit DS at some point, but considering the lacklustre sales of the first compared to the GC edition (barely beat it on a userbase more than 5x bigger).

I reckon we'll see another Mana game, the revival of the SaGa RPGs and another IAWW/TWEWY game, plus the inevitable announcement of another FF 3D remake.

As for Wii, who knows...I'm hoping for some tri-Ace/S-E love, like Radiata Stories, Star Ocean or Valkyrie Profile.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

When they want to do more on Wii, then... well... do it Sqenix. Like jesusraz said: they say they want to to, but we don't see much more there. It's okay, they need to take their time changing their words into projects which are ready to be shown to the public. But they have to start soon.
I would like FF, Kingdom Hearts, Mana and Co on Wii. You can squeeze Final Fantasy 12 out of PS2's graphic chips, then you can do more on Wii!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I'm hoping FF:CC:CB will come out for the Wii this year. But they really should be doing more, a new Mana game shouldn't hurt.

Chrono Trigger on VC!!

Chrono Trigger on VC would be great. but i doubt it will happen.

tiamat1990 said:
Well then give us Kingdom Hearts 3!!! We want to swing that Keyblade with our Wiimotes!

Hell Yes. HELL YES. If there is one thing that could make the Wii god among systems, it would be that.

Lord of Darkness
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