Lost found on Wii?

By James Temperton 31.01.2008 9

Lost is, in a word, confusing. In all honesty we gave up watching it after the second series. Sure, we feel left out when all our anaorack friends talk about it all the time, but we just stand next to them and furiously bellow 24 and pretend to be Jack Bauer until they go away. In related news, Lost might be coming to Wii.

Speaking to the website VideoGamer.com, the amusingly named Gadi Pollack said that it was a distinct possibility, perhaps.

Asked about the chances of a Wii version seeing the light of day, Pollack, the game's producer responded: "It's very possible yes... we could do it in the near future."

In other words, as it is liable to make lots of money it will indeed happen. Lovely.

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LULZ... Like you said I havent seen the show since the end of series 2...!!

Anyway I was watching some clips of the game on GT.com and it looked pretty shit....

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562


Lost In Blue 2 was announced for wii today theres a lot of 'lost' coming out

I don't understand how this is going to work as a game.

Lost fails and the games just will go the same way. Mind u, Ive never seen it lol but regardless, I think the games might suck slightly.

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Saw a clip of this game, not too sure about it yet although I do watch the show. Series 4 starts on this sunday. Smilie

leonxs said:
Saw a clip of this game, not too sure about it yet although I do watch the show. Series 4 starts on this sunday. Smilie

Only if you don't stream/record it tonight...

( Edited 02.03.2008 21:58 by X )

X said:
leonxs said:
Saw a clip of this game, not too sure about it yet although I do watch the show. Series 4 starts on this sunday. Smilie

Only if you don't stream/record it tonight...

I'm downloading it in the morning.Smilie

LOST is freakin awesome!!!Smilie

Lost the video game *should* be rubbish, but it actualy looks pretty darn cool.

They havnt sold themselfs out, the sprit of the show seems to be in the game.
Expect a strong mystery,drama,puzzle exploration game.
Penumbra or a (thinking) horror game are good things to think of for what the game is like.
Its not all out-and-out actiony.

This is the tale of another surviver, threaded between the shows storys, complete with its own (interactive) flash backs.

Lost has had its ups and down, but its clever, well scripted, and with some of the strongest chareters on tv.
The game seems to be worked out well and unashambly for fans.
However, the one bad thing is it as few true voiceactors Smilie

It would be perfect for wii however, as would Penumbra.

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