Worldwide Wii/DS Million Sellers

By Adam Riley 26.01.2008 17

Nintendo has now revealed its biggest selling games from around the world, releasing updated lifetime totals for its key Nintendo DS and Wii games, including the likes of nintendogs, Super Mario Galaxy and The Legends of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. Check out the results below:

Worldwide Game Sales (Wii & DS)

Game TitlePlatformLifetime Sales
Wii SportsWii17,850,000
nintendogs (All Versions)Nintendo DS17,790,000

Box art for Nintendogs








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Hah, not a single 3rd party title.

Those are some crazy numbers.Smilie

Over a million Wii Zappers sold? I wonder what the number would have been had it been "Mii's Crossbow Training" More or less?Smilie

I don't like how they include Wii Sports. It's a tad misleading. Even just including the Japanese numbers would put it on the list...

It's only Nintendo titles, not 3rd parties (I assume). M&S@tOlympics, Guitar Hero III and a couple of more would be there on the Wii front, and the DS has probably all of Square Enix titles, plus many many others...

Top games:
5-The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
4-Super Mario Galaxy
3-Eternal Darkness
2-Super Mario Bros 3
1-Super Mario Bros

Those are just Nintendo's figures from its financial report...Not for all developers.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I would have thought that Metroid Prime 3 would have sold more, but it is still over the million mark. lol Smilie

MP3s figures are disappointing for such a fantastic game

It was in short supply at a critical time in Europe and has suffered as a result. In the US it simply lacked sufficient advertising backing, sadly Smilie

I wonder if it can at least grab 100,000-150,000 sales in Japan due to Wii hype over there right now? It's due out there in March, I believe...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Of course Wii sports would be at the top, you have NO CHOICE but to take it with the Wii. But still, COME ON, MP3.....

Can brawl anytime now.....if you want an easy win
BOMBERMAN code: 2879 2176 8600, or just find me in a random match I think it might be time for Newspapers to look over their sponsorship contracts...

A_man_92 said:
Of course Wii sports would be at the top, you have NO CHOICE but to take it with the Wii. But still, COME ON, MP3.....

not in japan you buy wii sports seperately (i think) but does this mean there is over 17 million wii's out there?

Judging from these sales, by this time in two months Wii will have completely taken over GC sales,

and yes I do mean there are more wii's sold than the sales of wii sports show since it's sold seperately in japan.

( Edited on 27.01.2008 16:43 by Stupot101 )

Even if it might be a bit low, its still nice to see Metroid Corruption snag a million in sells. That's still a big number.

What really saddens me is that Advance Wars Dual Strike still isn't on that list. I thought perhaps in the time that the last list showed up in might squeeze over the bump, but I suppose not. Real shame there. Smilie Hopefully Days of Ruin fairs a bit better.

There are about 20 million Wii consoles sold around the world, meaning there are roughly two million Japanese Wii owners without Wii Sports.

For reference, GameCube sold something like 21.5 million worldwide.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Im glad MP3 hit the million mark at least

iamgennery said:
not in japan you buy wii sports seperately (i think) but does this mean there is over 17 million wii's out there?

Your right, i forgot about that. Still, If we ALL could choose not to purchase Wii Sports along with our Wii, then i highly doubt that it would be where it is now on that list.

Can brawl anytime now.....if you want an easy win
BOMBERMAN code: 2879 2176 8600, or just find me in a random match I think it might be time for Newspapers to look over their sponsorship contracts...

I was surprised by MP3 figures aswell. Am i the only one who was disappointed in Pokemone D/P. They dont deserve such great figures. Super Paper Mario should have sold better aswell great game.

Mad_Manc said:
I was surprised by MP3 figures aswell. Am i the only one who was disappointed in Pokemone D/P. They dont deserve such great figures. Super Paper Mario should have sold better aswell great game.

It's pokemon...and it's online, what do you expect?

Looking back Nintendogs is a bit rubbish, isn't it?
Smilie Then again, the DS probably wouldn't have the huge gap it has over the PSP.

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