Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Sticker Power-ups

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.01.2008 13

To aid battles against the Subspace Emissary, the Smash Bros. Brawl website concludes this week's updates by allowing for stickers to enhance your battle.

Your battle against the Subspace Emissary will one of epic fury. Naturally you're going to want to do everything you can to strengthen each character for the fight ahead.

And that's where stickers come into the picture!

These should do the trick. Did you think those stickers were just for collecting? Well, it seems you thought wrong! The truth is startling, huh?

Each sticker houses a special power up. For example, some up your attack power, others bolster the damage from fire-based attacks, and some even keep you from flying as far when you take a hit.

You can find the details of each sticker's power-up ability here. On the Map screen, select the Sticker option to move to the sticker-application screen. You can switch between characters with the L and R Buttons.

Here's a shot of the underside of a trophy base.

Now slap down one of the sticky stickers you've collected. Generally speaking, the bigger the sticker, the more dramatic the power up.

The more stickers you put on a trophy base, the more powerful that character becomes, but you'll need to consider your placement and sticker choices carefully as space is limited.

Fill in those bare spots with little stickers... Leave no space unused!

When two stickers offering a similar power up are placed on a trophy base, only the more potent of the two power ups will take effect.

So, for example, if you had [Leg] Attack +4 and [Leg] Attack +6 stickers on the same trophy base, the added [Leg] Attack bonus wouldn't be +10

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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Ah! I knew the stickers weren't only for collecting! No game can have 2 collectable systems unless one of them has an effect! Very smart of those guys...

( Edited on 18.01.2008 13:44 by PK Mongoose )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Excellent - I also like that they're for the sub space emissary only. Would unbalance a regular match up. Very cool update! Smilie

Well actually, the descriptions with the trophies are their "effect".

I still prefer that to this Smilie (but I like it a lot, this is very cool Smilie)

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There's some rpg elements now, nice.

This game Just keeps getting better and better....Doesn't want to end....But I'm ready to PLAY it

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

whoever said that stickers were just for scratching and sniffing were so wrong

This is phil. If your conciousness must absolutely intrude upon mine, leave a message.

me and my bro are so gonna rape at this game

This is phil. If your conciousness must absolutely intrude upon mine, leave a message.

AWSOMENESS!! No wonder it got 40/40 from Famitsu!! This game is gonna be one of the best games of the decade... mark my words!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

consider them marked

This is phil. If your conciousness must absolutely intrude upon mine, leave a message.

This game is huge.

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It's like the Koma system in Jump on DS, nice.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
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I wonder, when you get a gameover if you loose the sticker for good or if it can be found agian and used then. And I wonder if once you find one, Does it go into a sperate log or Is that it?

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

I so hope there's a Revolver Ocelot Sticker with +10 Snake's Final Smash or something cool like that, or just an assist trophy

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