Pre-Order Offer | Rebel Strike Bonus Disc

By Adam Riley 01.08.2003 1

A Great New Pre-Order Scheme...
...Star Wars Fans Will Be Over the Moon!

Publishing company Lucas Arts Entertainment has backed-up reports that gamers eager enough to pre-order the exclusive Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike for the GameCube will receive an extra bonus disc with special features and demos on it. The offer appears to only be available in the US at the moment, but there is a strong chance that it, or something similar will make it over to Europe as well.

The included extras are as follows:

  • A one-level demo of Hoth from Rebel Strike;
  • A playable demo of the gladiator-RPG Gladius;
  • A Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader demo;
  • A Rogue Leader trailer;
  • The entire 1982 arcade game Star Wars, fully emulated.
  • For those that are interested, below is a screen from the Star Wars Arcade game (click to enlarge):


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