now confirmed that the Nintendo DS and Wii will indeed be getting versions of the newly unveiled Tomb Raider Underworld, despite previous talk of PS3/Xbox 360/PC exclusivity. Head inside for more details..." /> News: Nintendo News | More Tomb Raider on Wii & DS, Plus Pony Friends 2 Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo News | More Tomb Raider on Wii & DS, Plus Pony Friends 2

By Adam Riley 13.01.2008 9

Eidos has now confirmed that the Nintendo DS and Wii will indeed be getting versions of the newly unveiled Tomb Raider Underworld, despite previous talk of PS3/Xbox 360/PC exclusivity. Also, various other 'casual' game have been confirmed:

"Following a review of our 2008 platform and product line up, we have decided to move the release date of 4 titles into the 4th calendar quarter. The most significant of these titles is the next Tomb Raider game, Tomb Raider: Underworld, which we are now scheduling to launch on 6 platforms (PC, PS3, Xbox 360, NDS, Wii and PS2) simultaneously during the Christmas season as opposed to the previously planned 3 platforms (PC, PS3 and Xbox 360) in June.

"As a result of these changes the Board now expects that the Company will make an operating loss in FY08, but the Board believes that these simultaneous multi-platform launches in the key buying period, optimises the value that these franchises can deliver to the Company over the long term.

"The product slate for the remainder of FY08 comprises 10 titles over 17 platforms including Conflict: Denied Ops and products targeting the growing casual market on NDS and Wii platforms, such as the first in our Warner Bros line-up (including Looney Tunes and Wacky Races) and the next installment of the highly successful Pony Friends game."

Stick around for further updates...

[ Thanks to Ifrit for the news tip ]

Box art for Tomb Raider: Anniversary





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Glad to hear we'll get Underworld, still haven't picked up Anniversary meself yet.Smilie

God i hope Tomb Raider will be better this time around on DS than it was last time, it had its charms, and im not one normally about graphics, but the game was a HUGE let down, look at the PSP version and its stunning, Mario 64 already proved the system can handle it. I've loved Tomb Raider since its original release (ive still got the double disc original version on PSone) and i need a good title to get my belief back in this stellar franchise, its living off past games at the minute, although the new ones have been better as of late. Come on Eidos you can do it.

The lack of the Analogue stick would be the biggest hurdle for a 3D Tomb Raider DS game, although if Eidos can take some cues from Phantom Hourglass's control method, they should be able to pull it off.Smilie

( Edited on 13.01.2008 17:57 by PhoenixuS )

Wha? Tomb Raider worked fine on the original Playstation with a dpad...unless the games have changed since then and are now made with analogue in mind? I dunno I hate them all anyway.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

The recent Tomb Raiders aren't suited to a dpad like the originals. They should make the DS based on the grid system of the original instead of making crap like LegendDS.

Dementium proved DS' 3D graphics as well as FF Crystal Chronicle and FFIV. The n-gage had a fully 3D tomb raider so why did DS get a gba looking game? If the DS version comes out right I will purchase for both systems. I love how the TR:Legend engine handle platform action and I currently playing through anniversary. So please no pixel perfect grid system from Angel of Darkness. Can't wait for underworld

yeah i actually preferred the D-Pad, i still and always will think the analogue sucks.

D-pad sucks

Anniversary on Wii is quite good - I think - if I can escape the mansion, but this already gives you a lot of fun.

What I do not understand is pricing: Anniversary for Wii stays around 60 EUR while Anniversary for all other consoles is a budget title around 40 EUR. transfer this 1:1 into US Dollar, since all pricing on consoles work that way and maybe multiply these values with 0.75 for GBP rates.
Just how can they sell a lot of Wii-Tomb-Raiders with these extreme expenses for these titles?

I only got Anniversary, because my local dealer cut pricing by 25% for 3 days and he did not consider hiding this game in his crates like he did with Rogue Galaxy for PS2 and all two Ravind Rabbids, which still go around 55 EUR each. that's way too expensive for minigames and launch titles...

enough cried. TR still plays great. Glad they included Wii in their lineup. But since there's a PS2 version under way it may be exactly that: Wii another PS2-port with the same ugly graphics...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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