Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Pikmin & Olimar: Special Moves

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.01.2008 21

Today's 200th Smash Update reveals the many abilities Olimar has to control his ickle Pikmin chums in the heat of battle.

Captain Olimar is among the most specialized characters within the cast of Smash Brothers Brawl.

In order to really unleash Olimar's full potential, you've got to have a good knowledge of his helpful cohorts, the Pikmin!

Standard Special Move: Pikmin Pluck

First uproot a few Pikmin from the ground. You can have up to six Pikmin at one time. As long as there is ground beneath your feet, you can reach down and pull up a Pikmin, but be aware that certain Pikmin are more likely to appear in specific types of flooring.

There are 5 types of Pikmin to use!

- Red Pikmin -

* High attack power
* Attacks imbued with incendiary properties
* Immune to fire

- Yellow Pikmin -

* Range of attack slightly larger than usual;
easy to hit enemies with
* Travel in slight arcs when thrown
* Attacks imbued with electrical properties

- Blue Pikmin -

* Strong when thrown
* Slightly more durable than average

- Purple Pikmin -

* Doesn't fly far when thrown
* Slow
* High attack power
* Slams into enemies instead of
latching on when thrown

- White Pikmin -

* Quick and light
* When latched onto opponent,
poison does additional damage

You can figure out which Pikmin you will attack with next by looking at the order they are lined up in.

You'll use a Red Pikmin in your next attack.

In order to perform a Smash Attack, certain midair attacks, and even throws, you're going to need Pikmin!

Anyhow, just do your best to not kill off your platoon. Olimar doesn't stand much of a chance by himself.

Pikmin don't have graves, you know.

Side Special Move: Pikmin Throw

Throw Pikmin that latch on to your opponent!

They'll cause an enemy's damage percentage to slowly rise!

Up Special Move: Pikmin Chain

If you think you're about to plunge to your doom, this right here is your best chance for survival.

The recovery distance for this technique is dependent upon the number of Pikmin currently in your troop!

Just imagine what would've happened
if you had had one less Pikmin!

Down Special Move: Pikmin Order

Call back Pikmin who have managed to separate from you. You can also use this technique to shift a new Pikmin to the front of the line.

Tweeet! Line up, everyone!

So there you have it. I bet you're a little confused by his eccentric play style.

But don't fret! It's easier than it looks. Spend some time playing around with him. That's key.

Whoa, the battlefield sure is crowded today.

Be sure to stick around for updates...

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (594 Votes)

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Guest 11.01.2008#1

Such a lovely game.

I love the Pikmin latching on to enemies and whacking them one Smilie. Of course it was expected but it's just great to see the animation finally.

Great that you can shuffle your Pikmin to choose the best for the right circumstances, just like the game, it's cool that it bears that similarity. That recovery move looks sweet, very cute Smilie.

Absolute quality Smilie

( Edited on 11.01.2008 10:09 by Linkyshinks )

A very unique character, can't wait to try Olimar and his Pikmins out.

Guest 11.01.2008#4

Did you know about the Pikipedia?

I do being a obsessive.

The Pikmin Song from the Japanese soundtrack Pikmin World

( Edited on 11.01.2008 10:09 by Linkyshinks )

Guest 11.01.2008#6

What about it?

Ah, took a while.

( Edited on 11.01.2008 10:13 by Bart.... )

Doesn't really fit the Pikmin game, other than the lyrics being about Pikmin.

( Edited on 11.01.2008 10:16 by Bart.... )

There are some far cooler ones that scream Pikmin but I am in a rush right now.

My 12 month old niece seem to loves them, I like to play them too her when she visits, she gets all happy and starts to laugh when she hears them. I gave a red plush toy for her 1st birthday. She is another great Pikmin Commander in the making Smilie

( Edited on 11.01.2008 10:32 by Linkyshinks )

now we just have to wait for his final smash

The great thing about his moves is that there was nothing too unexpected, and it was pretty much all based on the Pikmin gameplay. 6 Pikmin at once is going to be hectic, and his recovery is going to take a lot of luck and making sure you have a good supply of Pikmin at all times.

I'm also very interested by what his Final Smash could be. I'm thinking it could be an Onion attack, with Pikmin from various Onions bombing the players for a short time.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I think Olimar rules! The idea of the Pikmin is genius and the recovery is gonna be funny when your one Pikmin short. Oh and whoever mentioned it, Kirbys inhale ability might be, once he plucked a pikmin, press again to throw. Olimar is also gonna b secret methinks.

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

I hope his final smash is the red or purple spray.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

According to a probably fake source, one of the sprays might be an item. But it's an interesting thought (and not too unlikely either)

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That is by far the most interesting moveset. You see I don't care what characters come to into the game, they have to have a good moveset to make them worthwhile. This is looking a lot better than the clones in Melee.

It is unfortunate then that this game has been delayed again here in the Great White North. New date is March 1st.
Hopefully this one will stick.

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.

This charater is just one of tho's Characters that ppl are either killer good or they stink. The format is so unconvetional its will take a while to master.

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

hmmmm I don't know.... It looks cool but I doubt I'll be using him that much!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

BrawlBumBoy said:
I think Olimar rules! The idea of the Pikmin is genius and the recovery is gonna be funny when your one Pikmin short. Oh and whoever mentioned it, Kirbys inhale ability might be, once he plucked a pikmin, press again to throw. Olimar is also gonna b secret methinks.

I think Kirby will be able to pluck as many pikmin as Olimar, but they'll be slightly smaller in size. Also I think Kirby will only be able to use pikmin for smash attacks similar to OlimarSmilie

Theres a different release date for Canada? (assuming thats what you ment)

( Edited on 11.01.2008 18:39 by Prometheus )

Prometheus said:
Theres a different release date for Canada? (assuming thats what you ment)( Edited on 11.01.2008 18:39 by Prometheus )

Yes, there is a new release date for Canada. According to EB Games it is now March 1st.

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.

whoever said olmar would use pikmin to recover like a whip was a genius, just though i would mention that.

BlueRocks said:
Yes, there is a new release date for Canada. According to EB Games it is now March 1st.
If I were you I'd never listen to game shops, even if they are right sometimes, it'll just get "delayed (basically meaning an OFFICIAL release date hasn't been announced yet...) over and over. I'd only trust a release date on Wikipedia w/ source or the Dojo itself.

EDIT: NightmareItatchi; the guy who came up with that idea was mage_mccloud. Leet huh? Smilie

( Edited on 11.01.2008 21:24 by SuperLink )

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