UK Chart Highlights | Nintendo Back as No.1 Seller for the Week

By Adam Riley 09.01.2008 3

UK Chart Highlights: 7th January, 2008
...Nintendo Back as No.1 Seller for the Week

Your weekly UK Chart Round-Up brought to you by stat-man jesusraz. Remember, the images here do not reflect actual sales!

FIFA 08 replicates 2007 edition's position

Following last week's chart topping winner Assassin's Creed keeping Nintendo from grabbing the No.1 seller slot, this week FIFA 08 has been the overall multi-format winner, whilst More Brain Training takes the gong for biggest individual seller over the past seven days. Interestingly enough, FIFA 07 was No.1 at the same time last year. Assassin's Creed is pushed down to No.4 as the PS3 version's legs start to give way in a week where every single Top 40 game dropped in sales. Ubisoft's title fell a total of 70% in numbers, meaning that whilst Call of Duty fell 56% and The Simpsons was down 58%, both games actually rose a place each due to the chart being so close last week. The Golden Compass is still going strong, despite terrible reviews, rising to a new peak position of No.7, but you have to wonder just how many copies have been quickly put onto the second-hand market. WWE Smackdown vs. Raw is holding its own, though, clinging onto the No.10 position after being knocked down three spots.

Time for the chart listings...

The new format for the UK Chart Highlights hits its second week, but if readers wish to see any more changes, feel free to post them in the comments section below. In order to see the full Chart Track UK listings, head over to the official website.

Top 20 Entertainment Software (All Prices)
Week Ending 5th January, 2007

21FIFA 08 (EA)
32Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Activision)
43The Simpsons Game (EA)
14Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft)
55Need for Speed: ProStreet (EA)
66Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (Konami)
107The Golden Compass (SEGA)
88More Brain Training (Nintendo)
99Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Activision)
710WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 (THQ)
1211Cooking Mama (505 Games)
1312The Sims 2: Castaway (EA)
1113Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training (Nintendo)
1814Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 (EA)
1615LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga LucasArts
1516Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (Eidos)
1417Wii Play (Nintendo)
1718Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo)
2919MySims (EA)
2020Football Manager 2008 (SEGA)

Top 10 Nintendo DS
Week Ending 5th January, 2008

11More Brain Training (Nintendo)
22Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training (Nintendo)
33Cooking Mama (505 Games)
44New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
155MySims (EA)
56The Simpsons Game (EA)
97Zoo Tycoon DS (THQ)
108The Golden Compass (SEGA)
69Sight Training (Nintendo)
810The Sims 2: Castaway (EA)

Top 10 Nintendo Wii
Week Ending 5th January, 2008

11Wii Play (Nintendo)
22Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo)
43Big Brain Academy for Wii (Nintendo)
34Mario Party 8 (Nintendo)
65WarioWare: Smooth Moves (Nintendo)
86Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (SEGA)
57Mario Strikers Charged Football (Nintendo)
78Super Paper Mario (Nintendo)
109Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (Capcom)
1710Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Activision)

Finally, finishing off this week with the 'Individual Format Top 40' list ranked by 'Units' More Brain Training is now the best selling game in the UK, rising up from No.1 and doing what its older brother did a few weeks before Christmas. Brain Training fever has gripped the UK most definitely, especially given how the first game was the second biggest seller of 2007 in the UK, with 1,016,558 copies sold, with FIFA 08 on all formats pipping it to the post with 1,391,435 sales. More Brain Training came in fifth with 760,225 units, ahead of Halo 3 (735,176), whilst Wii Play edged out Assassin's Creed (688,002 versus 670,286). Anyway, Brain Training itself is up to No.3, Cooking Mama jumps two to become the fifth biggest seller of the week at No.5, whilst Wii Play holds at No.6 and Super Mario Galaxy is back up three to No.7. In total, Nintendo accounted for 15 out of the Top 40.

Disclaimer: Remember that the image at the top of this article is not representative of the actual market share and that if the above text does not appeal to you, the chart listings can be found in their original tabular format (copyrighted, hence this written article) by following the link below:

Chart Track UK

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The english charts are really lame...and i feel sorry for all the people buying cooking mama.

So you're allowed to use the charts now adam?

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Trust me, compared to the Australian charts that's good.

ZS, I've started seeing other sites doing the same, so I don't see why not Smilie

Do people prefer this format to the full article? Seems feedback has not been as forthcoming as I thought it would be.

Anyway, amazing to see how both Brain Training games out-sold something like Halo 3 last year!! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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