Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Bros. Brawl Japanese Adverts

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.01.2008 33

Nintendo has unleashed a series of new adverts for the upcoming release of Smash Bros. Brawl in Japan, with some sweet gameplay scenes and an online commercial.

Alongside the regular ads was an online demonstration promoting the possibilities of battling your chums in the comfort of your own living room no matter how far they be, and also confirms the much sought after ability to go online with players on the same Wii (i.e. teaming up online).

Thanks to NeoGAF's Firestorm for the tip.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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I just realised how slim Shiek's chances are now...

It's less than a month away from release, yet Shiek hasn't been revealed as a Zelda transformation, not even on the adverts, which on the Melee ads I'm sure showed both Shiek and Zelda.

So either Shiek is unlockable, or they're keeping a very nice secret indeed.

The online ad is hilarious, though I'm still not very happy at Sakurai for Smash Bros' online. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Hmm, me too - happy it's there an all, but wouldn't seem very onliney without at least having a name to whoever you're battling (non-friends).

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah, that's why I don't think I'll be using match up very often, perhaps a few times a week to check out my competition Smilie but I think I'll focus on friend matches for sure. It's annoying we probably won't know if we're facing a CPU or a Human.

As for friend matches, I'm still incredibly worried that only 1 player per Wii will be able to play in Free for all. That simply sucks.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

jb said:
Hmm, me too - happy its there an all, but wouldnt seem very onliney without at least having a name to whoever youre battling (non-friends).

Yeah the no names for nonfriends sucks ass. Isn't there a spectator mode for online anyone matches? If so It's going to be stupid not knowing who that one person is who keeps pwning everyone. Even if the names can only be 4 characters long; Seeing the same name, play style, and main character would kinda give you the idea of who they are.

Hmmm, I like the metroid... Ah, so close to release, closer for them Japanese/people with Japanese Wii's planning on getting the game from Japan and can read Japanese/not care what it says... lucky son's of... biscuits...

Oh wait, just noticed the whole "confirms the much sought after ability to go online with players on the same Wii" thing, very nice, I would have been disappointed if SuperLink didn't get the game if this were not true and not fight him or his bro, don't know why, just would.

( Edited on 06.01.2008 02:18 by TheEvilShyGuy )

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

TheEvilShyGuy said:
Oh wait, just noticed the whole confirms the much sought after ability to go online with players on the same Wii thing, very nice, I would have been disappointed if SuperLink didnt get the game if this were not true and not fight him or his bro, dont know why, just would.
Where does it say that? Seriously where?! Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Just above the last video, either that, or I'm insane and copy and pasted that in quotation marks from nowhere... Though I might be crazy.Smilie

Oh, and watching the last vid might help, I didn't watch it.

( Edited on 06.01.2008 02:42 by TheEvilShyGuy )

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.


Well I don't see how that video shows anyone teaming up. And I'm not worried about Team battle at all, I think that will allow 2 people on the same Wii.

I'm worried about free for all, team battle sucks, if me and my brother are fighting everyone else, then we're fighting each other too. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

lol, FFA is the best way to go. Though I'm surprised at your not-as-extreme-of-a-reaction I expected from you, unless you already did, just didn't bother us with it.Smilie

edit: Just watched it, I also don't see how it shows team battle at all either, but jb said it, so it MUST be true!

( Edited on 06.01.2008 02:59 by TheEvilShyGuy )

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Sorry guys, forgot to add the second Wi-Fi commercial - shows the multi-people online thang:

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Oh, well there we go, that makes things much less confusing, and since SL didn't show the right enthusiasm the first time...


There you go SL, saved you the trouble.Smilie I'm just glad it's in it, I personally won't use it too much, I'd much rather play just against my friends offline.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

jb said:
Sorry guys, forgot to add the second Wi-Fi commercial - shows the multi-people online thang:

Awww you beat me JB I just got done searching the web and was going to post this link Brawl Wifi Play

Well it looks like Superlink has nothing to worry about now.

I have another question though. What the hell is this from the tranny video:

( Edited on 06.01.2008 03:33 by J Tangle )

TheEvilShyGuy said:
Hmmm, I like the metroid... Ah, so close to release, closer for them Japanese/people with Japanese Wiis planning on getting the game from Japan and can read Japanese/not care what it says... lucky sons of... biscuits...

Wait, what? That's the best idea I've heard all year! *Runs off and preorders Brawl from for 30 quid - w00t!*

Have A Star Smilie

(By the Goddess, that Japanese Wii won't know what's hit it, once that disc gets here!)

Gotta love those Wii eggs.

so any one got a date for us to get it in uk?

>_< it so close to japan and usa games come out will EU one take that much longer <_< if it is what have they be doing all this time?

Since when do Nintendo use transvestites to promote their games Smilie (video 4)

its Shingo Katori! have a look at this

Linkyshinks said:
Since when do Nintendo use transvestites to promote their games Smilie (video 4)

Exactly what I was thinking before I realized it will haunt my dreams...Smilie

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

TheEvilShyGuy said:
There you go SL, saved you the trouble.Smilie Im just glad its in it, I personally wont use it too much, Id much rather play just against my friends offline.

J Tangle said:
Well it looks like Superlink has nothing to worry about now.

You people don't know what I mean do you!? >.< Even though I keep saying I want to have more than one person online in free for all, not Team Battle >.< and that video is pretty clearly Team Battle...

I had no doubts at all that team battle would allow me and my bro to work together online, but team battle sucks! >.< I want me and my brother to be able to fight others in free for all too! Smilie

*Is angry*

These adverts just confirm my fears more than anything else. ZOMG This game sucks. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
ZOMG This game sucks. Smilie

Your lying to yourself and you know it.

OK... maybe I am.

But I'm starting to think I would be more happy with no online at all, if they don't feel they can do one of the most SIMPLE online modes.

I mean COME ON.

- ONE online profile per console. Yep, the Wii sure is a community board for the whole family alright, way to fucking go Nintendo.

- ONE player per Wii on free for all, again on a console that emphasises multiplayer, where Halo 3 even has the option for 4 people to go online and have a 4 player Slayer match, from the same console no less, the option is THERE.

For me, this is such a basic mode, Smash Bros is a MULTIPLAYER game far more than anything else. If Nintendo have made it so that me and my brother can't enjoy a good Brawl without my friends coming over to my house then so be it, it hasn't come anywhere since Melee in that aspect at ALL.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

You sound like a baby having a tantrum.. grow up man, online is better than no online

I agree with SL, the online mode sucks!! Sure it's better than nothing but it's like Nintendo just don't care at all. They say they're 'for everyone' and 'serious about online' and then throw crap like this at us. It's insulting. I'd rather them be honest for once and acknowledge the crap that is NintendoWifi.

Their excuses for things are laughable. They said you can only have one profile on your Wii console as people would get 'confused' selecting from a list of profiles. I mean WTF?!?! I think most families nowadays know who's who in their family to would know what name to click on. Stupid.

I love my Wii and all but so far it's the worst console of this gen in terms of connectivity and community which Nintendo has claimed several times are important to them.

I'm also annoyed at the 4 letter names remaining for Smash Bros. Do all the Japanese have 4 or less characters in their name or something? Sure I could just put my initials but this isn't Pac Man arcade, times have changed dammit!!

Shame on you Nintendo. Your online is only good enough for Heshes.

Still, cannot wait any longer for this game. UK date must not be more than 2 weeks after US date or things will burn.Smilie

Nintendo UK's address anyone? Probably on their site....Smilie

Nintendo are putting money into these adverts with loads of celebrities. Smilie (Wierd celebrities)

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Prometheus said:
You sound like a baby having a tantrum.. grow up man, online is better than no online

Doesn't change the fact that crap online (what Smash Bros. currently has) isn't as good as good online (what Smash Bros. should have). Smash Bros. should have the best of everything, single player, multi-player, customisability, and the key new feature: online. It is a game that deserves great online and it's a shame its not going to get it.

What we need: the current configuration wouldn't bother me so much if we had voice chat, but we don't. Second, the continued use of friend codes is baffling. When it's so hard to connect to and find friends, and when its impossible to communicate, why bother? I'm not sure if I'll be taking Smash Bros. online at all.

I know that seems like a harsh conclusion, but that's how I personally feel. And the European delay is a load of bollocks, too.

( Edited on 06.01.2008 15:19 by Wiill )

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