I agree with SL, the online mode sucks!! Sure it's better than nothing but it's like Nintendo just don't care at all. They say they're 'for everyone' and 'serious about online' and then throw crap like this at us. It's insulting. I'd rather them be honest for once and acknowledge the crap that is NintendoWifi.
Their excuses for things are laughable. They said you can only have one profile on your Wii console as people would get 'confused' selecting from a list of profiles. I mean WTF?!?! I think most families nowadays know who's who in their family to would know what name to click on. Stupid.
I love my Wii and all but so far it's the worst console of this gen in terms of connectivity and community which Nintendo has claimed several times are important to them.
I'm also annoyed at the 4 letter names remaining for Smash Bros. Do all the Japanese have 4 or less characters in their name or something? Sure I could just put my initials but this isn't Pac Man arcade, times have changed dammit!!
Shame on you Nintendo. Your online is only good enough for Heshes.
Still, cannot wait any longer for this game. UK date must not be more than 2 weeks after US date or things will burn.
Nintendo UK's address anyone? Probably on their site....