Nintendo DS Media | Final Fantasy Ring of Fates English Intro Trailer

By Adam Riley 24.12.2007 5

Square Enix has just revealed the updated introduction sequence from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates for DS, complete with English voices, via the game's official blog site. Check it out below:

  • Ring of Fates English Trailer
  • So what are your thoughts on the voice acting? Be sure to let us know by posting below...

    Box art for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

    Square Enix


    Square Enix


    Real Time RPG



    C3 Score

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    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (10 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    I don't want to sound mean, but the word "annoying" comes to mind. This little opening scene makes me NOT want to buy the game. I didn't like the Gamecube FFCC, it was repetitive, with no story at all, and a huge etc... I hope the gameplay and multiplayer makes up for the annoying voice acting in this one.

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    I know what you mean, charwiimario. However, I actually really like the GameCube FFCC. The game did get a bit samey, yes, and it didn't seem like it had a massive story to it. But it was there. It came to life toward the final part of the game more than anything.

    I also loved the character and graphic style of the game and hope that converts well in the DS game. But yeah, I agree that the voice acting in this seems very annoying. People argue that Link should have a voice and that there should be voice acting in Zelda. I think this here is proof that sometimes, it's best to leave out voice acting altogether.

    I don't think I'll be picking up FFCC Ring of Fates straight away. I'm skeptic of any DS game released really. So I'm going to wait for the reviews first.

    oh good god no lets hope they do better on ff4

    Ahhh it's not too bad. I've heard worse. Anywho, the gameplay is awesome and I can't wait for the english release!

    Guest 27.12.2007#5

    I don't get it. Why would they limit their 'buying demographic' to only include people below the age of 12?

    The final and most convincing point not to buy this game. I won't play games without sound.

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