Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: The Subspace Emissary Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.12.2007 15

The Smash Bros Dojo received a funky montage of cutscenes and new gameplay from the upcoming adventure mode. Nintendo fans rejoice!

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Eh.... thanks I guess?

um... what? how is this an update? Oh well, at least there is some stuff we haven't seen in there.

I know we should be grateful for the updates they're giving us, but honestly, some of them are complete cripe.

You know, I'd rather see a new item or someone's final smash than a movie I've practically seen over and over.

Still, at least there were a few things in the vid we haven't seen before.

I thin kthis is an excellent update. Nice to see new footage rather than just images all the time.

iFrit said:
I thin kthis is an excellent update. Nice to see new footage rather than just images all the time.
What new footage? Oh, you mean those 2 seconds of bowser?

edracon said:
iFrit said:I thin kthis is an excellent update. Nice to see new footage rather than just images all the time.
What new footage? Oh, you mean those 2 seconds of bowser?

Sorry, let me explain. I meant it's nice to see a new video once in a while, even if most of it's stuff we've seen already.

The editing, music, and everything isn't the same as the other vids and is an overall exciting trailer.


If I we're Nintendo, I wouldn't reveal any more stuff as they've told us more than anyone with any sense would want to know. Wait for the game and discovering as you play is the best way to go about it.

iFrit said:
edracon said:
iFrit said:I thin kthis is an excellent update. Nice to see new footage rather than just images all the time.
What new footage? Oh, you mean those 2 seconds of bowser?
Sorry, let me explain. I meant its nice to see a new video once in a while, even if most of its stuff weve seen already.The editing, music, and everything isnt the same as the other vids and is an overall exciting trailer.___If I were Nintendo, I wouldnt reveal any more stuff as theyve told us more than anyone with any sense would want to know. Wait for the game and discovering as you play is the best way to go about it.
they used the same music as in the other commercials.

Have you seen? Captain Falcon

Atleast I got to see Lucas in motionSmilie

The single player for SSBB is going to be schweeet.

The video is hot there was parts of it I never seen

Spiggin awsome footage! Smilie It looks awsome Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

The video is hot there was parts of it I never seen

Nice one, really like the look of this vid, should be a really awesome mode to play through. Bring on Sonic and co ;P

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