major promotion being for Super Mario Galaxy, showing how moves in New Super Mario Bros. are similar to the Wii game. Seems Nintendo is pushing the game to the 4.5million+ owners of the DS game! Share your thoughts on this new tactic inside..." /> News: Nintendo News | Japan Takes New Mario Galaxy Ad Slant Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo News | Japan Takes New Mario Galaxy Ad Slant

By Adam Riley 21.12.2007 8

Quick News - The 'Minna no Nintendo Channel' (Everbody's Nintendo Channel) is in full flow over in Japan, with the current major promotion being for Super Mario Galaxy, showing how moves in New Super Mario Bros. are similar to the Wii game. Seems Nintendo is pushing the game to the 4.5million+ owners of the DS game!

Share your thoughts on this new tactic below...

Box art for Super Mario Galaxy





3D Platformer



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They shoulda just called it Even Newer Super Mario Bros.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

To be honest, I just don't see how Mario Galaxy would appeal to those that liked NSMB but not Sunshine. The 3D world of SMG is so different from the style of play in NSMB...but hey, whatever, it's working and if the ads slip onto TV as well then things could kick off in a big way for SMG.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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It's obvious what they are trying to do, and I wish them luck with it.

They should put the emphasis on how easy the game is to play, I imagine it can look very complicated and daunting to play in ads when it looks so unconventional.

"To be honest, I just don't see how Mario Galaxy would appeal to those that liked NSMB but not Sunshine."

Maybe because NSMB and Mario Galaxy are vastly better games then sunshine?

Yes, I know, I'm kinda side-stepping your point.
But Mario Galaxy is both more accessible, and a better traditional game then Sunshine was. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Didn't NSMB sell incredibly in Japan anyway? There really is no reason the game is doing so badly.

When I say badly, I mean, compared to how it should be doing, as in every Wii owner owning it Smilie

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Didn't NSMB sell incredibly in Japan anyway?

Yeah...I want to say something like 900K in its first week....really incredible.

At least Galaxy is sticking around though, hopefully it continues to sell.

Three more days until I get mine. Three. More. Days.

Aye same, under that damn tree just waiting to be opened and played.

I see this as a smart move, Galaxy is just as great as NSMB.

Sunshine was a very good game... people just expected too much for it. Blame the hype.

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