Nintendo DS Media | Mario & Sonic Olympics Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.12.2007 4

A swanky new trailer of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic games reveals the various events players can take part in on the move was the due set their eyes on Nintendo's portable for their running, jumping and throwing antics.

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Box art for Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games








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Smilie I only thought that Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games was for the Wii! Now it's on DS?!Smilie

Onwards, TO NOWHERE! Proud owner of Farming Simulator 2013.

Yeah... it was announced for both consoles at the same time. Smilie

I don't know how the DS version will work though, the Wii version RUNS on gestures Smilie

I guess we'll have to flick the touch screen up slightly for things like triple jump.

EDIT: I've gotta say the graphics are pretty good Smilie Sonic Rivals on PSP doesn't look much better than that! (although it doesn't look like a very good game anyway...)

( Edited on 20.12.2007 11:17 by SuperLink )

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Who would have thought the game would be such a success this Christmas with so many great games to buy, not me.

Why not? It's been promoted very well, the gimmick itself (Mario & Sonic in the same game) sells itself. It could go on to outsell Halo 3. Smilie

And it is a good game, it's maybe just too expensive for what it is. If it was

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