Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Team Healer

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.12.2007 9

Today's mid-week update on the Official Smash Bros. Dojo reveals the ability to heal a fellow team-member in the heat of battle.

This item has absolutely no relevance for those who normally just play free-for-all brawls. But not knowing how to use the item would be problematic, so I'll just explain it.

You might be able to imagine what it is from its name...

Before I get ahead of myself, I must explain that this game features a Team Battle mode.

For example, this function allows people to break into teams of two and do battle when four people are playing.

There are three team colors: red, green and blue.

And the Team Healer has absolutely no function if you're on your own.

If you pick it up, you just hold it. It doesn't do anything.

But, if you throw it at your ally...

Your ally's damage meter gets replenished!

The higher your damage meter, the more you recover.

But, if you don't alert each other, you may not hit your teammate.

And occasionally,
it may cause an opponent to recover damage instead.

Be sure to stick around for updates...

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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looks interesting, another addition to team battles, should make online team battles last a bit longer

Its a nice idea I just hope there are more team only items.

I agree, more of this kind of thing please, at least one more team item.

Linkyshinks said:
I agree, more of this kind of thing please, at least one more team item.

What about an item thats similar to the final smash, but it's a tag team move.Smilie

That's the kind of thing I was thinking about. This item is basically a defensive one so a offensive one that incorporates everyone would be sweet.

Yeah it looks good, first I thought its pretty pointless but now when you think about it, if your team mates life is pretty high and there is no food around you can help 'em out!

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Looking good, nice addition to the team mode Smilie

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A tag team attack would be cool, but I don't think it'd be individual like the Final Smashes. There would be too many different mixes of teams... So I'm not sure how it would work. Perhaps just each character's most powerful special attack?

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