Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Frigate Orpheon

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.12.2007 8

Today's update on the Official Smash Bros. website reveals a new level: the Metroid Prime themed area, Frigate Orpheon.

This appears in Metroid Prime. It's the first spaceship Samus infiltrates.

What you see in the background is the Parasite Queen.

Th-the power went out?! For a spaceship that just causes trouble, it sure does have a lot of problems.

But what really defines this stage is the way it rotates 180 degrees.

The siren scream is a warning!

Suddenly, it flips...

The terrain inverts! When the siren goes off, jump into the air to flee. But when you're in a pinch, so is your opponent. Stall your opponent to take advantage!

Be sure to stick around for updates...

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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Cool to see some Metroid Prime content. I don't really know how cool the level will be though... Why do Samus' levels always have to involve complex systems that cause a threat to the player?

Looks friggin sweet. Smilie

Canyarion said:
Cool to see some Metroid Prime content. I dont really know how cool the level will be though... Why do Samus levels always have to involve complex systems that cause a threat to the player?

Sounds like a Metroid game to meSmilie

Pretty cool-looking level, I'll probably be using it a lotSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

hmmm I would think it would be something from Corruption for a smash stage but this is a good idea none the less.

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.


Spiggin awsome! That looks fantastic I love this Level in MP... lets hope the Queen shoots laser beams out of her mouth! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

iPwnd said:
Spiggin awsome! That looks fantastic I love this Level in MP... lets hope the Queen shoots laser beams out of her mouth! Smilie
i wouldn't be surprised if she did.

Quite a nice Metroid level. Me likes.

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