Nintendo DS News | Dragon Quest IV Remake Passes Million Mark

By Adam Riley 14.12.2007 4

The Dragon Quest IV remake for DS currently resides at No.6 on the Media Create chart, with nearly 800,000 units sold so far. However, Square Enix has confirmed a quite special sales goal.

Initially the game, developed in conjunction with Opoona's Artepiazza, sold a massive 360,000 units on its very first day on the Japanese market, which was reportedly 70% of the stock Square Enix sent out to retail. By the end of that sales week it had nearly reached a fantastic 600,000 units...and all this was just a few weeks ago! Now Square Enix has confirmed that it has sent out 1,000,000 units of the game, ensuring that this will be the company's third million seller on DS, following Final Fantasy III (1.1 million) and Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker (1.4 million).

For those that are unaware, here are the numbers for previous Dragon Quest remakes, just to put some perspective on this:

  • Dragon Quest I & II (GBC, 31/12/2000) - 270,000 | 740,000
  • Dragon Quest III (GBC, 30/12/2001) - 154,000 | 611,000
  • Dragon Quest III (SNES, 28/12/1997) - 409,000 | 967,000
  • Dragon Quest IV (PS1, 29/12/2002) - 621,000 | 1,170,000
  • Dragon Quest V (PS2, 26/12/2004) - 1,049,000 | 1,610,000
  • So it now looks like DQIV could very well beat the performance of the PSone remake of the original NES game it is based on. Quite an amazing feat!

    This definitely bodes well for the release of Dragon Quest V on DS, which is scheduled for Spring 2008 in Japan. As for a Western release of DQIV, well, there is a partially translated German, Spanish and English script hidden within the Japanese game, indicating that Square Enix does indeed plan on bringing it to the West. And given how the English script is something like 95% complete and just needs formatting properly, chances of a Q2 or early Q3 2008 release are strong.

    Stick with Cubed3 for further updates...

    Box art for Dragon Quest IV: The Chapters of the Chosen

    Armour Project


    Square Enix


    Turn Based RPG



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    "This definitely bodes well for the release of Dragon Quest V on DS"

    I guess so with those amazing figures Smilie. Are those first day figures better that of FF3?.

    I wish the would hurry up and announce the U.S dates SE in particular are very slow to do this, this must be down to rationalisation work and if that is the case they should ramp it up if they are serious about making more money in the west.

    Well, FFIII sold 500,000 in its first week, which was lower than expected due to stock shortages. So DQIV bet it on first week sales...

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    I wonder if it's any good though...the Dragon Quest series hasn't really done it for me.

    You wonder if DQIV's any good? Well, let's just put it this way, if I were to review the copy I've been playing for the past few weeks now I'd likely give it a 9 or 10/'s THAT damn good. One of the best RPGs I've ever played, to be honest.

    Does that answer your question? Smilie

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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