Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Rotation

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.12.2007 13

Today's update on the Smash Bros. Dojo allows players to set up a rotation scheme when there are more than four competitors wanting to get in on the action.

Picture five or more players huddled around a Wii.

The number of people who can play is limited by the number of controllers that can connect. When that happens, you usually have the people who win or lose rotate out so that everyone gets a turn, right?

So be nice and give everybody a chance to play!

... ...That's how I feel anyway, but just in case you need a little help being nice (and since everyone has their own controller preferences), I went ahead and rigged up a Rotation mode.

This is the top menu for Group mode!

First decide the number of controllers.

Then get a count of people in the room with you
and enter that in.

How many people per brawl?

You can set the rules to rotate out a set number of winners or losers from the brawl. Rotation doesn't have to be about coming in first place.

If your group is on pretty equal footing with each other, go for Loser Swaps Out. If you've got some green players in your midst, why not start out with Winner Swaps Out?

It's always useful to log your name.

But, hey, if putting in a name is too much of a bother for you, you can play fine without it. Just as long as you remember your guest number, that is.

If a new player happens to come by during a Rotation match, you can add him or her to the group if you're willing to head back to the name-entry screen.

When your name comes up, hit a confirmation button.

Press a confirmation button on the controller of your choice when your name pops up. That sets the controller you'll use.

And of course, your control settings will be applied to your control when you play.

Need a bathroom break? Opt to sit out a match!

Even with numerous controllers and dozens of people lined up to play, you'll be good to go if you use this mode!

... ... Well, not quite.

Rotation is limited to 16 players. Mm hmm.

Be sure to stick with C3 for updates...

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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"Need a bathroom break? Opt to sit out a match!" -- Man, do they know us!

Useful to many, I suppose.
Not me though, I'd be lucky to get even three playing Brawl at my place, let alone more than four.Smilie

This is actually reall handy. One of the best updates in a while IMO. I NEVER play Smash Bros with less than 5 friends Smilie we'll probably be using this mode often Smilie

And bathroom breaks definitely ARE needed Smilie the back of the queue may be annoying though Smilie


Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

this is actually good, because some people get confused on when its their turn.

( Edited on 11.12.2007 15:15 by edracon )

Very, very useful, but I'm not sure if my friends will opt to use it.

Very nice, can see this being used pretty often, nice inclusion Smilie Finally a decent update Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Dunno if I'll get more than five people except on Holidays, but still a very nice update. Not horribly necessary, buts its good to have something to automatically keep tabs on it all. Otherwise you get the younger folks in the group whining that they aren't getting equal time.

Jacob4000 said:
Dunno if Ill get more than five people except on Holidays, but still a very nice update. Not horribly necessary, buts its good to have something to automatically keep tabs on it all. Otherwise you get the younger folks in the group whining that they arent getting equal time.

OMG I hate that whiney kid so muchSmilieSmilie

I probally won't use that feature much since most of time there are only four people who want to play Smash anyway, but it will come in handy for the young noobs crying.

This will be helpful for me. Okay, don't get anyone over for smash anymore, but back in the day, always had three other friends playing it every day. Now with two more friends into smash, that'll be six people trying to play at the same time, this will be very handy. Though you'd think with multiple controllers, they might be able to get more than four on at a time with how smash is one screen with everyone on it.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

TheEvilShyGuy said:
This will be helpful for me. Okay, dont get anyone over for smash anymore, but back in the day, always had three other friends playing it every day. Now with two more friends into smash, thatll be six people trying to play at the same time, this will be very handy. Though youd think with multiple controllers, they might be able to get more than four on at a time with how smash is one screen with everyone on it.

Not to mention in Melee you could face off against 5 wire frames at once and they all have their own percent meter. I hoped Brawl would go up to six players, but seeing as there is a rotation feature I guess having up to 6 players would be to much.

Sometimes I think, are there any Nintendo Admins spying on us?

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

This could be really useful if it's simple (seems like it might be easier to just pass a controller around).

I know every now and then we'll have a room full of people wanting to play Smash Bros.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Basically what I gathered from this is that this is tournament mode?

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