Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: With Anyone/Basic Brawl

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.12.2007 20

The final Smash Update this week continues the Wi-Fi trend by going into a few more details on the online features for Smash Bros. Brawl, how to join basic matches and issues with secret characters.

Join a quick and simple brawl against someone, somewhere! If you're not going to be playing with a friend, this is the mode you'll tend to use.

This time, we'll take a look at how it flows.

The Wii is trying to connect in earnest! And it succeeds!

Here you choose With Anyone.

You could also choose Team Battle,
but we'll choose Basic Brawl here.

You go straight to the character-selection screen.

Huh? We're already at character selection? That's right. You don't make any rooms.

At this point, you're already requesting a match. If you connect to someone, you'll see their status at the bottom of the screen.

Character selection is limited to 45 seconds. If time runs out, your character will be chosen for you at random, so make your choices quickly so as not to make others wait.

Then you go to stage selection.

You can cast one vote for the stage you want to play. A stage is chosen by lottery from among those voted on by the players.

Also, the items that are turned off in the item switch are also determined by lottery.

Practice on Sandbag while you wait...

Then just wait until you get everyone together.

Then the match begins!!

Isn't that simple? You don't have to trouble with any settings. You just choose characters and stages.

Names won't be shown and messages won't be sent. Neither your identity nor your opponents' will be known, so you can play without any worries.

By the way, have you ever had an experience in which your opponent was disconnected, and the match never came to fruition? Like when you started with four players, but ended up with only one?

I don't like that feeling, so I've tried to counter it.

If you get cut off, your character will get taken over by the CPU without your opponents even knowing

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Here's a little Turing Test conundrum: if a player disconnects, to be replaced by the CPU, would you notice, if not explicitly told? If not, might you be playing against a CPU the whole time, since you don't know who you are playing against in 'with anyone' mode? Does that matter if you can't tell the difference? Where does that leave online gaming?

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Dr_R said:
Heres a little Turing Test conundrum: if a player disconnects, to be replaced by the CPU, would you notice, if not explicitly told? If not, might you be playing against a CPU the whole time, since you dont know who you are playing against in with anyone mode? Does that matter if you cant tell the difference? Where does that leave online gaming?

There would likely be a prompt notifying you of the change, surely there is no way they would make you play on oblivious.

It isn't online battles... it may as well be random CPU battles...

Even worse new is, it seems like there can only be 1 player per system, so I can't show anyone here on C3 how awesome me and my bro are at the same time. Smilie

EDIT: to LS:

If you get cut off, your character will get taken over by the CPU without your opponents even knowing

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
It isnt online battles... it may as well be random CPU battles...Even worse new is, it seems like there can only be 1 player per system, so I cant show anyone here on C3 how awesome me and my bro are at the same time. Smilie( Edited on 07.12.2007 13:49 by SuperLink )

There be a team battle that I presume is for human teams Smilie

( Edited on 07.12.2007 13:51 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Possibly, but I'm almost out of hope... Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Possibly, but Im almost out of hope... Smilie

Lol, don't be - it says Team Battle up there, and I strongly doubt it's a single-player-tag match (though who knows...)

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Couldn't it just mean that you team up with another random player?

And I don't really want to team up necessarily... what I'd really like is a 4 way free for all where me and my brother can both play.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Couldnt it just mean that you team up with another random player?And I dont really want to team up necessarily... what Id really like is a 4 way free for all where me and my brother can both play.

I hope that's not the case, as you'd have varying levels of difficulty and you wouldn't want to be left with a CPU player that could be really good/bad. IMO human teams seems more likely - hopefully.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

w/o names its pointless, you don't know who you've beaten. As Dr_R brought up whose to say this isn't some smoke a mirrors if you can't tell the difference in CPU and player, hell it might as well be offline because who gives a who if you can't say "MAN (username) sucked ass last night I beat him bad"

Hell the point of online gaming is randomly meeting people.

SuperLink said:
It isnt online battles... it may as well be random CPU battles...Even worse new is, it seems like there can only be 1 player per system, so I cant show anyone here on C3 how awesome me and my bro are at the same time. SmilieEDIT: to LS:
If you get cut off, your character will get taken over by the CPU without your opponents even knowing

Well as long as the friend matches aren't as restricted, then I shan't be too disappointed.

There's no rank system! Then how can every know how good I am. This online modes really does suck.

You can understand (to some degree) the shortcomings of the random online matches, but they really need to make the friend matches super sharp if they want anyone to play online.

Linkyshinks said:
Dr_R said:Heres a little Turing Test conundrum: if a player disconnects, to be replaced by the CPU, would you notice, if not explicitly told? If not, might you be playing against a CPU the whole time, since you dont know who you are playing against in with anyone mode? Does that matter if you cant tell the difference? Where does that leave online gaming?
There would likely be a prompt notifying you of the change, surely there is no way they would make you play on oblivious.

Think you've missed my point LS. I'm saying 'what if'.

Imagine that they did notify you that the control had changed to CPU with a big flashing CPU light over the player who's changed. Now imagine that there's a bug in the programming so that this flashing light occurs only in 50% of the cases where the CPU is really in control, but also occurs in 50% of the cases where a player is still in control.

The question I'm asking is, could you reliably distinguish between playing a real opponent and playing the CPU? That's the Turing Test.

Just thought I'd bring it up as a little philosophical conundrum.

As it goes, I think it'll be quite obvious when there's a switch between CPU and real player. Making that switch indistinguishable is the goal of the AI.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Ph00p says:
w/o names its pointless, you don't know who you've beaten. As Dr_R brought up whose to say this isn't some smoke a mirrors if you can't tell the difference in CPU and player, hell it might as well be offline because who gives a who if you can't say "MAN (username) sucked ass last night I beat him bad"

All you would see is a nickname or slang name like L or DR_R which can be changed at any time, making names unimportant.

Also, people if you can not tell if you are playing a human opponent or a computer opponent then you need to quit playing video games. It's way too easy to tell.

Well, I think it's safe to say we won't be enjoying random "CPU" matches online as much as friend matches.

Friend matches will be where it's at for everyone here on C3 at least, it'll be truly amazing to be able to battle C3ers and show each other how good we really are.

I still express my main worry: Can me and my brother play from the same Wii in free for all online battles? If not, I'll be really upset.

'Cos I mean, me and Cam will quickly get everyone else out the way, then they can spectate the rest of our incredible match, and see how real Smashers play. Smilie You guyses could learn a lot... Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Well, I think its safe to say we wont be enjoying random CPU matches online as much as friend matches.Friend matches will be where its at for everyone here on C3 at least, itll be truly amazing to be able to battle C3ers and show each other how good we really are.I still express my main worry: Can me and my brother play from the same Wii in free for all online battles? If not, Ill be really upset.Cos I mean, me and Cam will quickly get everyone else out the way, then they can spectate the rest of our incredible match, and see how real Smashers play. Smilie You guyses could learn a lot... Smilie

Don't get over your head. Smilie

Just wait you'll see my skill. You may also want to battle ipwnd he's been talking like he knows something about smash. I'm not sure who he uses though.
Beware of Lucas because I have already masterd Ness.Smilie

Cant wait to take you an ur bro on LS Smilie

I do hope that isn't the final look for the Character Select screen. That is ugly as hell.Smilie

What I think is not that the Internet spoils the exsistance of secret characters...more that Nintendo is too lazy to do anything about it.

C'mon Ninty you've had like a million years to make this game don't muck up the little things now!

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