Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Returning Pok

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.12.2007 23

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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In my opinion, they should have explained what they do, for some people have not played the other smash bros games.

is it just me, or are the graphical models of these pokemon not as polished as other characters in this game?

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edracon said:
In my opinion, they should have explained what they do, for some people have not played the other smash bros games.

You've never played a smash bros games before then i'm guessing.
Lugia= Aeroblast/psychic
Entei=Blast burn(fire comes out of the ground like an eruption)
Bellossom= sleep powder
Ho-oh = fire spin
Wobbuffet = counter
Togepi = metronome(has very little effect)
Snorlax= body slam
Celebi= no idea
Mew = just appears
Electrode(not seen above)= explosion(can turn out to be a dud)

Any way, they're good additions and clefairy should be there aswell. and yeah the models aren't really that polished but that wouldn't actually matter.

( Edited on 04.12.2007 11:46 by Stupot101 )

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Seems to me like they're the exact same models from Melee, as are the stages. Reused models ahoy! From like... 6 years ago. Smilie

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Pokemon Stadium had better models and textures than that.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I know what you mean, since they're based on the N64 models, but they are better than Pok

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Mew's dropping a CD for what looks like whatsisface from Earthbound. He's not a playable is he?

SuperLink said:
I know what you mean, since theyre based on the N64 models, but they are better than Pok

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Final Mew actually does something, and not stand there and leave.

Sprite said:
Mews dropping a CD for what looks like whatsisface from Earthbound. Hes not a playable is he?
That's Lucas from Mother 3 (sequel to Earthbound sort of. Earthbound = Mother 2) & yeah he's playable. He's probably replacing Ness :-/

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A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

Stupot101 said:
edracon said:In my opinion, they should have explained what they do, for some people have not played the other smash bros games.
Youve never played a smash bros games before then im guessing.Suicune=BlizzardLugia= Aeroblast/psychicEntei=Blast burn(fire comes out of the ground like an eruption)Staryu=swift Bellossom= sleep powderHo-oh = fire spinWobbuffet = counterTogepi = metronome(has very little effect)Snorlax= body slamCelebi= no ideaMew = just appearsElectrode(not seen above)= explosion(can turn out to be a dud)Any way, theyre good additions and clefairy should be there aswell. and yeah the models arent really that polished but that wouldnt actually matter.( Edited on 04.12.2007 11:46 by Stupot101 )
I already knew, i own melee and the original, but im saying they should have put it in for the people that dont know.

Fatman, YOU FAIL!

My god they look ugly! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Terrible models. Why not use the PBR ones or at least update them.

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It's probably because there on screen for about 5 seconds at most, usally covered with some fire or magic effect and the camera is usally zoomed out so far you don't notice.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Its just intelligent use of resources. You don't really need the models to look shiny and perfect when the camera is never zoomed in on them like in these pictures. Also as Blade said, they are generally covered in some sort of 'magical sheen' anyway.

( Edited on 04.12.2007 18:16 by Jacob4000 )

Yeah in Smash Bros 64 every single one of them was a picture that had no animation at all Smilie

I guess it's because they don't appear for very long at all.

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Yeah i agree they only appear for a few seconds so apart from screens i will never notice, but couldn't they have used Pokemon Battle Revolution models.....

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I don't think it could have hurt to use the Battle Revolution models. The assets were already created, afterall.

True enough, but I'd rather them put effort elsewhere then trying to make the many, many Pokemon models that appear on screen for just a few seconds better looking. Though if better models are easily available from Revolution then they don't have much of an excuse I suppose.

( Edited on 04.12.2007 19:31 by Jacob4000 )

It's not the worst update of them all, but could have been better.

Well, one more out of the way to the TRUE updates.

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