Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Friend List

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.12.2007 27

Nintendo starts the week in style by explaining the Wii friend list setup for Smash Bros. Brawl, and how players can battle on another online.

The Wii includes a function called Wii Friends, but you will register a separate list of Smash friends.

That's your Friend Code in the top right.

Please exchange these numbers with your friends. Write a note, do it over the phone, or send it by e-mail

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Sucks to be those who got their hopes up for something "epic" today eh? Smilie

ZOMG. Grit has the best friend code EVAR. And Skrai = Sakurai? Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Are they trying to piss us off?

Sometimes I think so. I'm starting to want this game less and less, if I were them I'd release some excellent content to keep us interested, or just stop the updates, surely they know people are getting annoyed.

This is one of the worst updates since the site opened. No Mii Codes. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery


A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

SuperLink said:
Best.Update.Ever.Sucks to be those who got their hopes up for something epic today eh? SmilieZOMG. Grit has the best friend code EVAR. And Skrai = Sakurai? Smilie


Yes, I'm sure they look at the amount of people browsing the website, the amount of people posting in forums about the game, how popular it is in 'most wanted' lists, and think "We're doing a bad job better stop these updates".

This game gets a tremendous amount of coverage and interest because of these updates.

I really don't understand what people expect these updates to be. How many updates are there going to be in total? And you expected what, a new character, new stage, everyday? Of course there are going to be many days with general information about the game rather than some new feature or unknown character, to think otherwise would be silly. They're catering for people that might not know the game too. Has there ever been another game that's gone to such lengths to constantly feed information to fans before it's release?

You havn't understood me very well, of course I'm not expecting a character or stage every day. The fact remains that they probably originally planned to stop updating the website by now. Today was the original release date in US, so they could have stopped major updates by now. After the delay, they felt they had to drag them on.

It used to get a tremendous amount of coverage, but people are starting to get bored of it, and fans are getting impatient.

And yes, I know you were being sarcastic, but the game is meant to be appealing to the Smash Bros audience. Sakurai wants to please the fans as much as possible. If he doesn't have a team looking for feedback and opinions every now and then, then their market research would be pretty shit, no?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm sure after delaying the release they decided to keep updating with less fleshed out news than they had already planned, but I think that's better than saying "We hadn't planned to have any extra days so we're stopping information", which I doubt would go down very well.

Although it's aimed at pleasing fans, I would be surprised if they'd not thought about making it as a guide to the game for anyone who hasn't played previous versions as well as fan service to existing smash bros fans. It certainly reads like it to me, someone who has only played the cube version a few times. And the delay gives them more opportunity to detail existing functionality to gamers not familiar with past versions.

I realise this isn't what existing big fans wanted, but inevitable after they delay I reckon. Annoying the die-hards a little, isn't too much of an issue, they're going to buy it anyway. And they'll soon forget the boring updates once Gordon Freeman and the gravity gun get announced, or some other info that's classed as major ground breaking news.

Maybe they're going to release some boring info now, in the run up to Christmas when everyone's preoccupied with other games and things, then crank it up prior to release? It would make sense.

Re-reading my post, it sounded more personal than I meant it, but a lot of the whinging posts from people about the updates are just nonsense, or originate in completely unrealistic expectations.

Hmmm.. this isnt a bad update, its just boring, it really should have been a double update with a brawl version of an older song.

Yep. Simple.

Simple is best.

Smilie Yeah friend codes FTW!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

The closer it is to blue, the smoother you'll be able to play.

Because the red yellow green pingometer used in every other game makes so little sense!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

feb will come sooner than we think just you wait we will brawl soonSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

This update was actually better than I thought it would be. I was thinking it would just be "here's how you enter a number!" But it went on to some of the specifics of how it worked etc. Also cool to see a 'pingometer'. Don't really care how they color code it, just nice to see a few more small features here and there.

Still disappointed that it looks like they are really moving forward with taunts, but there's still some time left...

Yeah friend codes FTW!

Friend codes seem to complicate more then simplify if you ask me...

Also cool to see a 'pingometer'. Don't really care how they color code it, just nice to see a few more small features here and there.

It doesn't even qualify for 'small feature', any online game without a latency indicator was clearly designed by bovines.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

This is like the widescreen thing, only without DK music (lame).

Anyway, I wasn't expecting anything too great, so who cares.

SuperLink said:

Argh...Friend codes and still no voice chat...instead for just 4 phrases....

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Friend codes and no VOIP means I probably won't be playing this game online, which is a real shame.

Nintendo's Friend Code system may not be the best for hard core gamers but if you head over to you can get around that system.
Super Smash Brothers Brawl Friend codes can be easily traded and its also a great Nintendo Forum. Check it out! I personally love it!

I don't mind the lack of VOIP for the most part. It will be missed when playing friends or team matches, but playing random people I can do without it. Seriously, play Xbox Live and then tell me what you think.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Also cool to see a pingometer. Dont really care how they color code it, just nice to see a few more small features here and there.
It doesnt even qualify for small feature, any online game without a latency indicator was clearly designed by bovines.

Don't really care what it 'qualifies' for. Still nice to see some smaller 'touches' added into the game.

TheeIncubus said:
Nintendos Friend Code system may not be the best for hard core gamers but if you head over to you can get around that system.Super Smash Brothers Brawl Friend codes can be easily traded and its also a great Nintendo Forum. Check it out! I personally love it!

Yeah, you can do that here to. Its also a great Nintendo Forum. I personally love it here. Smilie

( Edited on 03.12.2007 18:00 by Jacob4000 )

TheeIncubus said:
Nintendos Friend Code system may not be the best for hard core gamers but if you head over to you can get around that system.Super Smash Brothers Brawl Friend codes can be easily traded and its also a great Nintendo Forum. Check it out! I personally love it!

Sure, go there if you want - but here we're more established, have more Wi-Fi enabled users, do it better, bla bla bla. Spammer.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I cant believe the people whinning. The only difference to friend codes is a long number instead of a gamer tag. The four mates I know that are getting this game I will add their friend codes first (after a serious marrathon Smash night at mine) we will swap friend codes the next day and carry on going...

Then when I need more random people to fight a slightly fuller (content wise) match with I will grab all those on C3. Easy

Nakushin said:
feb will come sooner than we think just you wait we will brawl soonSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

Yeah feb isn't that far off. I woke up this morning thinking that with a smileSmilie. You can't forget the UK members they may have longer to wait since their release date hasn't been confirmed.

TheeIncubus said:
Nintendos Friend Code system may not be the best for hard core gamers but if you head over to you can get around that system.Super Smash Brothers Brawl Friend codes can be easily traded and its also a great Nintendo Forum. Check it out! I personally love it!

sounds like cubed3 to me.Smilie

I'm not whining about friend codes, I'm whining because it's friend codes, rather than the great Mii Code system established on one of the first Wii WiFi games, Mario Strikers.

Now it's impossible to tell if the person you're playing is them, or their sibling, or whatever. I know this is a problem for me because both me and my brother are great at Smash Bros, and we play at similar skill levels, not to mention we both love it. Is 1 code per system not a problem?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

this would be SSOOOOO mush better if they just stopped doing the lame friend codes business

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