Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Melee Stages

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.11.2007 22

It's fine news for Smash Bros. fans today with a return for some classic levels from the GameCube launch title Melee. First up - the much loved Zelda II Temple stage!

First, take a look...

Could this be...

The Temple!

This is the Temple stage from the last installment, Super Smash Bros. Melee. I think that based on my updates so far, you probably understand that we've created plenty of stages. But we wanted to do more, so we've brought back a number of stages that appeared in the last game.


It's perfect for those who like pursuit.

We've tried to create an exact replica, but there may be a few areas that differ from the last game. I hope you understand.

In general, the Melee stages have the same background music as in the last game, but we've also prepared some tracks like this.

Be sure to stick around for updates...

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Good that it's in.


A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

I think there will be a "new" Final Destination. Seeing as the Melee one is an updated SSB64 one anyway. Even if it's just the same level with a new look and updated music.

This is good news, I actually want more SSB64 stages to return, like the Mario and Zelda stages. This stage is so bloody popular, I bet my friend loved this update.

We play this level so much it's boring. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Nice update, though it would have been nice to have some changes to the structure or perhaps something a bit different thrown in! Will be great to see how many stages make it! I predict about 30-40 would be an nice figure, and with the stage editor in place it's gonna be totally awesome!

Music sounds damn fine too!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

SuperLink said:
I think there will be a new Final Destination. Seeing as the Melee one is an updated SSB64 one anyway. Even if its just the same level with a new look and updated music.This is good news, I actually want more SSB64 stages to return, like the Mario and Zelda stages. This stage is so bloody popular, I bet my friend loved this update.We play this level so much its boring. Smilie

Hasn't Final Destination already been shown? First stage waaaay back in the first Brawl Trailer.:cooldude:

...Nope Smilie I havn't seen it in any of the trailers that is...

You sure you're not mixing it up with Battlefield?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This game just gets better and better.

Love the stage! My absolute favorite though is Corneria, hopefully they include that.

SuperLink said:
...Nope Smilie I havnt seen it in any of the trailers that is...You sure youre not mixing it up with Battlefield?


Could've sworn that was Final Destination.Smilie

Any proof would be much appreciated. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I love this level, the music is pretty cool as well.

It looks well sweet Smilie. I like the Old Hylian syllabary.

mmmmm, it looks exactly the same.

Awsome stage, I like it alot, but sometimes I get pissed off because if you're at the lower level and you hit the other character they just hit the wall and don't die... (if that makes sense!)

I love Final Destination its an awsome stage not platforms to run away.. Smilie

Also I love the music!

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iPwnd said:
Awsome stage, I like it alot, but sometimes I get pissed off because if youre at the lower level and you hit the other character they just hit the wall and dont die... (if that makes sense!)
It does make sense, and I know what you mean, I think that lower floor is the cause of some of my funniest Melee moments, because you can get up to 300% and still live Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
iPwnd said:Awsome stage, I like it alot, but sometimes I get pissed off because if youre at the lower level and you hit the other character they just hit the wall and dont die... (if that makes sense!)
It does make sense, and I know what you mean, I think that lower floor is the cause of some of my funniest Melee moments, because you can get up to 300% and still live Smilie

Yeah the cage match is very fun. Smilie

I'd like the Kongo Jungle stage from Melee in Brawl. That sunsetty stage was my favourite in the last game.

With the DKC jungle theme covered, then they can bring a Donkey Kong level based on something else from Donkey Kong Country into the mix. Gangplank Galleon would be amazing.

I never really liked this Zelda stage in Melee. I hope they do another new Zelda stage, like perhaps The Lost Woods or the Temple of Time ruins from Twilight Princess. Something cool.Smilie

( Edited on 30.11.2007 18:42 by Rinx )

This is my favourite melee stage so i'm really glad its back.
But couldn't they have put a bit more effort into some of those textures?

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

This is freak'n awesome! With each piece of info they release, the more I get super psyched about Smash Brawl. Smilie This is going to be such a blast. Smilie

Link's Temple stage is one of my all time fav stages, so I'm super stoked they're bringing it back. I hope they include some of the classic levels from the original Smash Bros. like Mario's, Link's & Fox's as well.

My dream would be for HAL to include ALL past levels and upgrade the visuals & audio for them. lol Hey, I can dream can't I? Smilie

( Edited on 01.12.2007 02:47 by MechaG2 )

( Edited on 01.12.2007 02:48 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Awesome, I hope they put in Big Blue and Corneria. Put those in and I will be thrilled.

Sweet, i remember the fun cat and mouse games in this stage.

OMG Big Blue K Thanx bi

( Edited on 01.12.2007 16:09 by Dritttoolegit )

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