Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Single Player Events

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.11.2007 14

It's the return of another well-loved single player mode to the Smash Bros. Brawl website today as the Events mode leaps into action once more, complete with multiple difficulty levels!

It's the return of Events! This is a single-player mode in which you battle through predetermined situations.

This is the Events selection screen. Oh! The pictures make it easy to understand.

And it has different difficulty settings!

For these, a harder setting is probably more exciting, but you can go ahead and set it however you like. For example, you'll find these kinds of situations:

Two Trouble Kings

Character: Mario

Bowser and King Dedede battle as a team!
And Mario stands alone against them.

Pink Ball Repulsion

Character: Meta Knight

Kirby must not be allowed on the Battleship Halberd!
Blast Kirby off before the platform lands on the Halberd!

Cleaning House in Skyworld

Character: Pit

Destroy all the terrain in Skyworld!
Wario both gets in the way and helps out?

Sleeping in the Eggs

Character: Yoshi

Using Yoshi's Egg Lay standard special move,
put both enemies inside eggs simultaneously!

Dark Link Duel

Character: Link

It's a fated battle with your own shadow.
This is a stamina based match.

High scores are recorded for each challenge at each difficulty level. You don't just clear these challenges

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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This is actually a really good update. First all all Events return, which I'm pleased about, they were always a challenge in Melee.

Second of all, I can gather a few bits of interesting info from this update:

#1 Event mode may be unlockable
#2 The events shown in this update will not be in that order in the final game (i.e., Event one with Dedede and Bowser may be an event 30 +?
#3 Dedede is a starter character, meaning Lucas probably is too.

I think it's one of those, Dedede having a big part in the first (if it is the first) event basically cancels out my earlier theory from this screen:

Image for

That Dedede and Lucas are both secret. Now I don't know what to believe.

Now I have more reason to suggest Lucas and Dedede are starters (which is good, it means a larger character cast overall) but I still don't completely believe they are. There is a plothole in one of these screens :-/

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink, That picture you posted is from before the characters were actually announced, which means #1 and #3 are not good guesses.

And there is no information to show that you are correct. (I hope your wrong about 3, because i thought it would be fun to unlock them. Also, remember, the creators of smash brothers have most everything unlocked to show, but event mode did not have to be unlocked.

Can't they give an update that says "Everything from SSB and SSBM is back only it looks nicer"???

I really really really want to see a new character soon.

edracon said:
SuperLink, That picture you posted is from before the characters were actually announced, which means #1 and #3 are not good guesses.And there is no information to show that you are correct. (I hope your wrong about 3, because i thought it would be fun to unlock them. Also, remember, the creators of smash brothers have most everything unlocked to show, but event mode did not have to be unlocked.
Why do you hope #3 isn't true? There are ALWAYS less secret characters than starters. If #3 is true then we could have considerably more characters in the game.

And why would they post a Beta picture? Wouldn't they wait until the characters are announced, and then reveal the picture that shows them? We're expecting all these things to be in the final game, I mean they're in the official blog, so why wouldn't that picture be in the final game? We have no reason to believe it's beta. It's just speculation anyway. We have no reason to believe it's final either, that's the problem with the event screen.

They directly contradict each other, unless Event mode is unlockable.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

All screenshots on the dojo are technically "TEH B3TA!" shots because they're all pre-release.
But what edracon was trying to suggest was that they go through the settings and data when taking shots, to ensure that no "Additional Data" is accidentally unleashed.
The screenshot you posted was from before Dedede and Lucas were announced, so the staff would've removed all reference to the characters being in those shots. Just like Sonic isn't there either.
It's not a huge thing, they're just fixing all the shots so it doesn't give stuff away. - Where making games is fun!

Canyarion said:
Cant they give an update that says Everything from SSB and SSBM is back only it looks nicer??? I really really really want to see a new character soon.
They have one more space on for one more character under the newcomer catigory... they probably will wait till about the relese date and annonce a new character but till then we just have to wait...Smilie

I think this is a pretty good update, I loves Event Matches on Melee and some of them were and still are quite challenging! So definitely one of the best updates we've seen in a few weeks! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

But Sonic AND Snake ARE secret characters. We've known that for a while. Put that together with Dedede and Lucas both being revealed after Snake (and Dedede after Sonic) & it makes sense they're secret.

I mean they just as easily could have done the WiFi update without showing character avatars, heck, they could have even said "You can use Miis, and characters from the game too!" and noone would have complained. But they put in the screenshot and we're expected to believe the final game will look like that. I mean what other shots can you say have been fixed? That seems to be the only one that doesn't reveal anything. If it was the case that they could just edit stuff out of it, we would have seen a nice beta look of the character select or stage select screen now (E4All demo doesn't count)

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Jayenkai said:
All screenshots on the dojo are technically TEH B3TA! shots because theyre all pre-release.But what edracon was trying to suggest was that they go through the settings and data when taking shots, to ensure that no Additional Data is accidentally unleashed.The screenshot you posted was from before Dedede and Lucas were announced, so the staff wouldve removed all reference to the characters being in those shots. Just like Sonic isnt there either.Its not a huge thing, theyre just fixing all the shots so it doesnt give stuff away.

You got it right.

What an awesome update! Loved event mode, as did everyone else apparently. Can't wait to beat them all. What sucks though, being able to change the difficulty level. That takes the challenge out of it, though sure you can always do it on hard, but still, I loved the fact it gradually went from incredibly easy, to impossibly hard. This makes me feel the increase of difficulty from one event to another won't be as radical.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Does that shot mean that Charizard,Squirtle and Bulbasaur are playable?

I thought they were assist trophys?

TheEvilShyGuy said:
What an awesome update! Loved event mode, as did everyone else apparently. Cant wait to beat them all. What sucks though, being able to change the difficulty level. That takes the challenge out of it, though sure you can always do it on hard, but still, I loved the fact it gradually went from incredibly easy, to impossibly hard. This makes me feel the increase of difficulty from one event to another wont be as radical.

I totally agree with you, I thought of the same thing when I saw it, they shouldn't have put the "difficulty level" on it... but it's gonna be good none the less!!

Flynnie said:
Does that shot mean that Charizard,Squirtle and Bulbasaur are playable?I thought they were assist trophys?

No they are playable... all 3 of them! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Flynnie said:Does that shot mean that Charizard,Squirtle and Bulbasaur are playable?I thought they were assist trophys?

Well, they are playable through the character "Pokemon Trainer", check the site

Not Bulbasaur, Ivysaur. Smilie


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