Nintendo Wii Media | Endless Ocean English Video: Using MP3s Via SD Card

By Adam Riley 11.11.2007 11

Nintendo's latest Touch! Generations title for Wii, Endless Ocean, hit Europe last Friday and now a video clip of the English language version has hit the Internet, showing off how music can be played whilst you relax. Check out the video clip below:

Has anyone picked up this Wi-Fi game? If so, share your thoughts below. Feel free to let us know if you are considering this as well!

Stay tuned to see how well the game performs in tomorrow's UK Chart update...

Box art for Endless Ocean








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (4 Votes)

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Looking at the ocean while listening to "Raining Blood" sounds great.

Oh wow! AAA!!! You can pet penguins!

I got it on Friday. I'd probably compare it to Nntendogs as it's not really a game as such more sort of a very large underwater play ground.

You get given missions that add some purpose to the game but it's up to you whether you do them or not.

The buddy system and tricks seem a bit limited but maybe they expand later in the game. The camera mode is quite extensive giving you different speed options and focus modes.

All in all its not the type of game you'll spend hours playing I found myself getting bored with it after about an hour, definitely one to play in small bursts

Nice! Gotta give this a shot sometime, impressive visuals!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Meh... It doesn't tickle my fancy...!! especially if its a full priced game... coz it doesn't look like a game... It looks like more of a waste of your life game!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I picked this up. Its pretty neat. For it's low low price it's definintely a good game.
I'm not the greatest fan of their sd card/mp3 thing. I mean they only let oyu load one track. Thats pretty annoying.
I tried doing the whole sitting down on teh deck chair with a track on, but you have to get up every three minutes to change the track number. It works great if you stuck a podcast on your sd card.
But people should try the deck chair out during sunset/rise. It's great.

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iPwnd said:
Meh... It doesnt tickle my fancy...!! especially if its a full priced game... coz it doesnt look like a game... It looks like more of a waste of your life game!
Much rather play animal crossing... Oh lets play mp3 behind brawl matches!!!

This game is beautiful! I'm wasting loads of time just looking at coral close up and making friends whith a dolphin.

Only being able to only play one track over and over is annoying though.

Are there any ways of putting more than one track in an MP3 (or AAC before long) file.

Graphics are good, though I'm not sure it's my type of game. I do feel like trying it out sometime, so maybe one day...

How big exactly is the ocean? Nice visuals & all, but I can't help but feel it looks a bit boring.

EDIT: AAC files are only for the Photo Channel, so don't worry about the games like this & Excite Truck.

The MP3 in game feature needs to be used a lot more, there's no excuse. I would have loved it in DBZ BT3, & I guess it still has hope for Brawl.

Create-a-Stage, then put your own music on it = perfect.

( Edited on 14.11.2007 11:14 by SuperLink )

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The ocean is split up into smaller sections that you have to travel to on your boat. You can swim from one section to another but you can't swim too far from your boat. I suppose it can be boring if you like a bit of action in games. But Endless Ocean does a good job at introducing new things gradually and giving you little rewards for your efforts.

The details and animation of all the creatures are really good. The dolphin has loads of character and i can't wait to see the whale.

Guest 14.11.2007#11

That has to be the silliest walk ever.

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