Nintendo News | Zelda Link to the Past Remake Being Considered?

By Adam Riley 11.11.2007 32

The latest issue of the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine has an interview with Nintendo's Eiji Aonuma about the Zelda series in which he discusses plans for the future, including thoughts on a potential remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past:

"Ocarina of Time was the first title I worked on, and I was continuously tackling challenges every day during its development, so I think this is the title I feel I impacted the most. I believe that experience made me what I am now. I always think about what we couldn't do and what didn't work well in the previous game when we start a new title, but there's no game that I would want to actually change as such. I have to say though, the first Zelda game that I played and felt potential in was Link to the Past. I'm actually very interested in what it would be like if we remade that title as a 3D game."

In addition to this tantalising tidbit, Aonuma-san also mentions how he is always thinking of new ideas for the Zelda franchise, ones that will surprise gamers. He states that the next Zelda may well take a visual route that nobody would ever have expected, depending on how well it fits in with the game's story.

Stick around for further updates...

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past





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didn't they remake this game for the GBA already.... mabey put in on the wii's vc but thats enough...Smilie

jb said:
I loved the Yeti house in TP - didnt feel it was boring in the slightest. Was so good to not have an expected design to it.

You wha....?

Have I been sucked into some alternate reality or something? Am I the only one who thought it was sucky Mc Sucky Suck-Suck? Unexpected design? It was like any other dungeon, just emptier! The fact it was a 'house' was irrelevant. No?

SuperLink said:
I still think Majora's Mask is the most sinister & evil Zelda game, moreso than TP.

I didn't think TP was any darker than Ocarina really. It had a couple of moments.

Less posty, more gamey.

I think they need to make a new zelda with a different location... Another MM if you will... Hyrule keeps changing but it is really all the same... At least with Termina it was brand new.

I thought the Yeti house was a great dungeon... sure it was a dungeon, just as any, & the soup made it too easy, but it was different, it was a house, with the same cosy central room you had to keep returning & the characters were so awesome too, even though they kept pointing you in the wrong directions, they were so lovable :3

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I liked the Snowpeak house as well. It was cosy in the living room and kitchen, wasn't it? Smilie

My favourites were the City in the Sky (which was sort of a taste of the steampunk style), the Temple of Time (nice atmosphere), and the Forest dungeon, because I'm always a sucker for those.

I wouldn't mind if the next Zelda was entirely set in the Lost Woods, actually.Smilie

I really hadn't thought of a steampunk Zelda before....but that sounds freaking awesome. I love steampunk inspired areas to bits and it could bring about a bunch of cool new items too.

I am also for Nintendo creating a new IP, but a futuristic zelda would be the thing I would settle for. Oh and that thing about SE zelda game, that was just stupid. You took the worst elements of both series (FF and LOZ) and put them together. Zelda's story with FF's gameplay. Now you have a very mediocre game.

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