Nintendo News | Zelda Link to the Past Remake Being Considered?

By Adam Riley 11.11.2007 32

The latest issue of the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine has an interview with Nintendo's Eiji Aonuma about the Zelda series in which he discusses plans for the future, including thoughts on a potential remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past:

"Ocarina of Time was the first title I worked on, and I was continuously tackling challenges every day during its development, so I think this is the title I feel I impacted the most. I believe that experience made me what I am now. I always think about what we couldn't do and what didn't work well in the previous game when we start a new title, but there's no game that I would want to actually change as such. I have to say though, the first Zelda game that I played and felt potential in was Link to the Past. I'm actually very interested in what it would be like if we remade that title as a 3D game."

In addition to this tantalising tidbit, Aonuma-san also mentions how he is always thinking of new ideas for the Zelda franchise, ones that will surprise gamers. He states that the next Zelda may well take a visual route that nobody would ever have expected, depending on how well it fits in with the game's story.

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Box art for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past





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I noticed that too whilst I was reading through the special edition last night. Interesting stuff. I don't think it'll happen though. I'd much rather see DS remakes of Link's Awakening and the Oracles. Tetra's Trackers and the BS Zeldas too.

Oooooooh! Smilie

I would love that SOOO much. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Ohh, that would be amazing. I'd love to see some classic Zelda action in 3D. So long as they don't make a habit of it..

I think it'd be sad to see them waste time on a remake. The Zelda series really died for me at TP. I loved it to bits when I played it but looking back on it, it was so stale and unimaginative. The series needs to take a massive turn to be great again. Why are Nintendo so against doing anything differently anymore? That futuristic Zelda idea was great. I'd love to see what Nintendo could do with that concept. Removing the dungeons would be a good start.

You should play Phantom Hourglass, the controls are great, even though the story is clich

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I still wish Nintendo would work with S-E on a proper Zelda turn-based RPG with a really deep story...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I'm playing it. And yeah...I really don't like it all that much. As I said for TP, it's soooo Zelda. Meaningless dialogue I bash A to get through again and again. Sure there are some cool new puzzles to do and such but the controls do nothing for me. The layout of the game is still dungeon, mini quest, dungeon, mini quest, dungeon, something related to last 3 catch my drift. I dunno....the gameplay just feels so dated. Sadly I get the same feeling when I watch Dan play MP3. (Odd though, because I still love MP and I'm actually replaying it at the moment)

Controls changing is not an evolution at all.

edit: "I still wish Nintendo would work with S-E on a proper Zelda turn-based RPG with a really deep story..."

I really REALLY hope that was a joke...

( Edited on 11.11.2007 22:06 by knighty )

Dry Raz, dry.

Here's a quote from a really great guy in another similar thread.

artmonkey said:
I'm surprised its taken them this long to consider it. The success of PH has legitimised the control-scheme - remaking is a quickest way of getting a project up and running. Square Enix whore out every previous Final Fantasy installment with a fresh lick of warpaint and rake in serious bunce. As a business investment it's a no-brainer.

Less posty, more gamey.

Sad thing is, that would probably be the thing that would catapult the Zelda series to multi-million selling status in Japan...

Nintendo has started the Zelda whoring process now - just look at Crossbow Training.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

That futuristic Zelda idea was great. I'd love to see what Nintendo could do with that concept

I hope THAT was a joke..Metroid Prime is already basically a futuristic Zelda.

Personally I wouldn't want a remake because Link to the past was already remade in the form of Ocarina of Time, Windwaker and Twilightprincess.

I just want the next zelda to properly use the wii remote controls for some crazy puzzles kind of like what zack and wiki are doing i guess (although maby not quite so difficult)
and a new visual style would be nice aswell.

( Edited on 11.11.2007 23:21 by Blade2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

To be honest, I'd love to see this. Take the PH engine and then remake the game for it with new features.

I don't think it would take much time away from the real Zelda at all either. Nintendo has two Zelda teams, a handheld one, and a console one. I would guess that the only thing they share is Aonuma's time, and they likely wouldn't need as much oversight since the game would be a remake. Just a bit here and there to make sure the Remake is on the right track.

Besides, what would you want that studio to do in the mean time anyway? A brand new Zelda for DS is likely off the cards - the big wigs are too busy with the Wii one likely to devote a ton of effort into something original. Would you rather them start work on a "Super Brain Age 7"? A remake would be great - bring back an excellent game paired with the excellent Phantom Hourglass control scheme, and give us something to chomp on while the Wii game is being made.

Perhaps they could even add in a Four-Swords DS.

"I still wish Nintendo would work with S-E on a proper Zelda turn-based RPG with a really deep story..."

I really REALLY hope that was a joke...

I don't understand what there is to make fun of there - could be a lot of fun, and add something that the Zelda series has been missing, a really good story. Mario made a good RPG - I don't see why Link and the Kingdom of Hyrule wouldn't be a good setting for one either.

I'd definitely not involve Square Enix though - they'd turn Link into some kind of whiny Emo kid.

( Edited on 11.11.2007 23:29 by Jacob4000 )

I spose Blade, but my point still stands.

What point? Thats controls don't evolve it?, If so yeah I agree and I never challenged that.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

I meant the need for the series to go somewhere else.

Or maybe Nintendo should just leave it alone. There's not much else they can do with it other than changing it totally, they should come up with a cool new series. I'd love to see what Nintendo could do with a traditional FPS.

Rather than a futuristic Zelda (personally I don't want tht to ever happen) I'd prefer Nintendo to make a new IP for a futuristic adventure game. That would just prove even more that Zelda is becoming the next Mario/Sonic.

I can see great things for a proper Wii Zelda. Besides, Miyamoto is behind Zelda, or he could be a bit more than he usually is. He made Mario Galaxy, which is looking more than incredible, & he's done it with a tried & tested formula for 3D Mario games, so I don't see why the same can't happen with a Zelda game, & make it incredible.

I thought TP was incredible, but I don't disagree it was a bit samey & predictive, Forest > Gorons > Zoras.

If Nintendo could make a Zelda that surprised us at every turn, a long game with a thick story & new ideas for areas, rather than areas based off basic elements, with an included Hard Mode (PLZ?) then it could be excellent I'm sure. & Nintendo know by now a good combination of buttons+motion sensing, it should be a breeze for them.

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I will pass... Give us something entirely new.

No no no no!!! Stick to the Wii Zelda!

A game made as 2D cant be shoe-horned into 3D without feeling..well, flat.

Twlight Princess was fantasic, but they now need to go in new directions. TP advanced the storytelling forward quite a but theres lots more to do.

Personaly, I think the core of a zelda game is the "solve enviromental problems with items and physics" while "exploreing a massive seamless world".

If they keep this principle, but did away completely with the dungoen structure I think Zelda could leap forward and seem fresh.

Imo, the constant principle of Overworld/Dungoen/Map/Compass/Bosskey/Boss is holding the game back.

I want a Zelda game where I have no clue if the area I am going is short or long, if I'm going to encouter a boss around the corner or not.
Zelda needs least, themed areas with puzzles and boss's, what it dosnt need is such a regid structure to them.

The Yeti-house in TP was a good concept, for instance.

Another thing Id like to see;
Not all these areas having "boss's" which you fight to defeat. Purhapes sometimes theres other solutions? Purhapes sometimes the "boss" isnt a bad chap at all.

Finaly; The setting.
imho, the current setting is absolutely fine.
I dont want a futuristic setting, but I would want to see hyrule advance more technology wise.
Just a bit more

Give them claks-towers, purhapes have steam ships common. Discworld-y even.

Heck medieval stempunk would suit Zelda far more then furturisms would.

"I still wish Nintendo would work with S-E on a proper Zelda turn-based RPG with a really deep story..."

Wouldnt be a Zelda game. It would just be an RPG with Zelda charecters.

( Edited on 12.11.2007 07:10 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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"Besides, what would you want that studio to do in the mean time anyway?"

Online Four Swords DS!

Seriously, the DS is the perfect console for 4 Swords, and it would be great if more people could enjoy that brillent,brillent game without needing stupid amounts of set up.

The game should get a subtitle, however.

Four Swords; The Weakest Link :p

"take a visual route that nobody would ever have expected,"

Im all for new styles, but imo, this sounds bad.

A style is the least thing that makes the game for me.

The Wind Waker looked incredibly, but didnt stop large sections of the game being very repedative, and none of the dungoens being imaginative in the slightest.
(at least TP had the twlight realm and the yeti house, which felt a bit new)

If TWW was done in Ocarina's style, people would have spotted the game wasnt nearly as inventive as the style was.

Id rather Nintendo work on the concepts first, and then when thats worked out. (say, with crude block-graphics), then decide how to express it all visualy.

( Edited on 12.11.2007 07:18 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I don't understand how the Yeti house felt new. It was a dungeon, a boring one. For me, that was the moment when TP tripped up and never really got back to its feet.

The word 'Turn-Based' is the thing from Raz's post that strikes fear into me.

SuperLink said:
If Nintendo could make a Zelda that surprised us at every turn, a long game with a thick story & new ideas for areas, rather than areas based off basic elements... it should be a breeze for them.

But without changing the setting there's little else for them to do. Majora's Mask warped the traditional Hyrule to great effect, WW added the ocean, TP added... erm...

They're going to need some real thought and passion to reinvent the series. Christ knows they're capable, but it's best to leave Zelda well alone for a few years and let some ideas gesticulate rather than rush into developing another Wii game.

Aonuma is thinking that way, which can only be a good thing. But a 'different visual route' can only cover up ageing mechanics for so long.

Less posty, more gamey.

TP finally brought the "Dark World" to 3D.

What can you do next? Ask Mario, he always seems to have a genius idea about his next adventure. There are possibilities, & I think Miyamoto can bring them out.

EDIT: & no matter what people say, I still think Majora's Mask is the most sinister & evil Zelda game, moreso than TP. Maybe by far. Moar Zelda like MM plz.

( Edited on 12.11.2007 09:19 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

"I don't understand how the Yeti house felt new."

It wasnt forrest, fire or ice, thats what :p
It was someones house.

Having a good/nutural ncp in it made a change too.

The actual puzzles wernt that great in that area, but the point is it was a new concept. It wasnt as rigidly a dungoen as the others.

Still, I love the chain and ball :p

"EDIT: & no matter what people say, I still think Majora's Mask is the most sinister & evil Zelda game, moreso than TP. Maybe by far. Moar Zelda like MM plz."

I agree, but I wouldnt say by far.
TP did share some of MM's twistedness. One cutscene in particularly was a bit O_o.

Still, MM sent shivers down my spine at points.
I loved the simple message at the end, black on white background.
Wonderfull touch. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Jacob Said:
Besides, what would you want that studio to do in the mean time anyway?
Dark Flame said:
Online Four Swords DS!

Me in that same post:

Perhaps they could even add in a Four-Swords DS.


Anyhow, I think the biggest thing Nintendo needs to work on in a Zelda is the world itself - it doesn't necessarily need to get bigger, but it should be more alive. There should be farms out in the plains, small villages scattered around etc. I loved Twilight Princess, but I felt it was a bit empty.

And I liked the Yeti's house - my favorite temple in the game. Shame on you all. Smilie

( Edited on 12.11.2007 15:29 by Jacob4000 )

I loved the Yeti house in TP - didn't feel it was boring in the slightest. Was so good to not have an expected design to it.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I don't want a 3D Link to the Past remake.

They need to take a step back and identify what it is that makes it Zelda. As somebody said, it's about exploring the vastness as a lone wonderer, and bumping into charming characters. And using tools to solve puzzles.

I would like to think the next Zelda will be a fusion of Majora's Mask and Shadow of the Colossus. Majora for its weirdness and surreal atmosphere, and Shadow of the Colossus for its amazing world design, and the fact the puzzles weren't forced into 'dungeons' that follow that same rigid Zelda dungeon structure, as someone earlier suggested.

I think a girl Link would be cool, that DOESN'T wear the typical green garment. As would ditching the sword for a tool that can be used in more creative ways with the pointer.

As for the art design, what if it was a mixing of the cel-shading and 'realistic' style?

( Edited on 12.11.2007 19:21 by Rinx )

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