Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Gray Fox Assists

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.11.2007 17

Metal Gear characters join the brawl, with one memorable face assisting players in the arena: Gray Fox slashes his way to victory!

If Snake is going to be joining the brawl, then it should be fine to have someone else from the Metal Gear world join as an Assist Trophy, right?

Frank Jaeger, the Gray Fox, appears! Oh! Cool mono-eye!

He approaches stealthily with lithe jumps, coming right in then slicing repeatedly. Awww! It makes you want to use him as a playable character.

He slices over and over with his back-handed grip. By the way, he reflects projectiles.

Gray Fox, who engaged in a grand battle to the death with Metal Gear REX... To think that he would reappear on Wii, and alongside Mario and Sonic at that!

You never know what might happen in this world.

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damn, i wanted him as a playable character.

Why the f*ck isn't he a playable character?
And cuichu wtf is the point in writing first.

( Edited on 07.11.2007 12:30 by L )

Ah he looks cool... lol for some reason I misread the title and thought that it said "Great Fox." That would've been a mad assist trophy.

L said:
Why the f*ck isnt he a playable character?And cuichu wtf is the point in writing first.( Edited on 07.11.2007 12:30 by L )

I agree on both points. Man, Nintendo! Argh. All these assist trophies revealed recently should really be main characters. This guy, the boxing fella, the Fire Emblem lady.

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jb said:
L said:Why the f*ck isnt he a playable character?And cuichu wtf is the point in writing first.( Edited on 07.11.2007 12:30 by L )
I agree on both points. Man, Nintendo! Argh. All these assist trophies revealed recently should really be main characters. This guy, the boxing fella, the Fire Emblem lady.

OMG don't even get me started on Little Mac being an Assist TrophySmilie

( Edited on 07.11.2007 12:50 by J Tangle )

Yeah I wanted lyn so bad to be playable. She was probably the most liked Fire Emblem character.

Surprising character to include, shame we could not have got a better one really looking at what would have been possible.

Well, better than clone characters no?

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Frazzle.d said:
Well, better than clone characters no?
yea... But i guess the assist trophy is for characters people wanted but would not be in the game for a playable character.... Thats my thoughts on it... Im hungry...

I say Ban all "First!!" idiots Smilie

"Awww! It makes you want to use him as a playable character."
Can I just say that that's a really strange thing to put in the blog? Almost as if they're secretly saying "The Assist Trophies will be unlockable playable characters" - Where making games is fun!

Jayenkai said:
I say Ban all First!! idiots SmilieAwww! It makes you want to use him as a playable character.Can I just say that thats a really strange thing to put in the blog? Almost as if theyre secretly saying The Assist Trophies will be unlockable playable characters

what the heck are you talking about...

O-M-G... Smilie WHY THE FUCK AIN'T HE PLAYABLE... I tell you why.. because were gonna get RAIDEN instead.. OH YES! Smilie

Anyway awsome update, aslo I wish we get another character from F-Zero apart from C. FAAALCON... I expected Goroh but hes an Assist Trophy.. so maybe Jody Summers <3 Smilie

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In the original Smash Bros blog, the 3rd "paragraph!"(line of text) says "Awww! It makes you want to use him as a playable character."

Why would they put that, if you'd never get to play as him?
If the game designer wants him to be playable....? - Where making games is fun!


Jayenkai said:
In the original Smash Bros blog, the 3rd paragraph!(line of text) says Awww! It makes you want to use him as a playable character.Why would they put that, if youd never get to play as him?If the game designer wants him to be playable....?

Yeah I read that aswell, probably they had to pay Konami to make him playable or something?

O-M-G... WHY THE FUCK AIN'T HE PLAYABLE... I tell you why.. because were gonna get RAIDEN instead.. OH YES!

I wish brother! Raiden kicks arse!

If Raiden does come in it, I hope it's the ninja version from mgs4.

I am actually glad he isnt a playable chracter, because we have to think about what Smash is All about, 1st Party Nintendo Chracters, i think for Brawl one MGS spot is good enough. Especially since we still only have ONE chracter representing Metroid! I think priority should go there, like Ridley for example. But dont get me wrong i am a huge Metal Gear fan and Cyborg Ninja (aka Gray Fox) is one of my favourite characters.

But yes i too misread the post as Great Fox, the mothership for the starfox team, wow that would be awesome.

P.S. I agree Little Mac would have been a great Nintendo playable character.

( Edited on 09.11.2007 05:01 by Shahzad )

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