Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Vocal Fire Emblem Arrangement

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.11.2007 6

Nintendo starts the week with a dual update on the Official Smash. Bros Dojo. The first half reveals a vocal arrangement of the Fire Emblem theme.

We're using an extravagant chorus with the Super Smash Bros. Brawl main theme, right? Well, when we recorded it, we also created and recorded the Fire Emblem theme with the same members.

In Japan, the lyrics used in commercials are quite famous ("♪If danger approaches, retreat helter-skelter!"), but in taking it worldwide, I've reflected on the Fire Emblem world and done the lyrics in Latin.

If you were to write them in English, they would go something like this:

Fire Emblem, companions walk
The endless path together.

In the wavering shadow of spite,
Our home is faced by the oncoming spear,
Engulfed in flames.

I keep that unforgettable day in my heart
And now rise up together with my companions.

Fire Emblem, our bond shall be never broken.

We hold fast to protect tomorrow
And the one who awaits our return.

Fire Emblem, light gathers on the flag we unfurl.

Fire Emblem, we gaze upon the multitude of stars,
Gripping our blades.

If we do not bring light to the darkness in these lands,
The shooting stars will soar over a wasteland.

Fire Emblem, on whom does the morning sun shine
As she climbs over the edge of battle?

Fantastic arrangement or ruined theme? Be sure to hit your comments in our discussion forum below.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Nice, I love Music sang in Latin! Reminds me of music I sing In chorus Class!:cooldude:

A filler update.Smilie

They could've saved this one for tomorrow instead of doing a double. Strange.

Darkspine S said:
A filler update.SmilieThey couldve saved this one for tomorrow instead of doing a double. Strange.
not really, back at the begining they used to always release two things at a time...Smilie

willoughbyjd said:
Darkspine S said:A filler update.SmilieThey couldve saved this one for tomorrow instead of doing a double. Strange.
not really, back at the begining they used to always release two things at a time...Smilie

Yeah, but now they have two extra months to fill, and they can't tell us everything.Smilie

Darkspine S said:
willoughbyjd said:
Darkspine S said:A filler update.SmilieThey couldve saved this one for tomorrow instead of doing a double. Strange.
not really, back at the begining they used to always release two things at a time...Smilie
Yeah, but now they have two extra months to fill, and they cant tell us everything.Smilie
well mabey they have tons more stuff to tell without letting us know every thing... and another thing... Did they have a website like this for melee?Smilie

Not a bad little theme. It's not like I'm falling out of chair, but it didn't ruin fire emblem music or anything.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

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