Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: On-Screen Appearances

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.11.2007 36

Today's update on the Official Smash Bros. website reveals how some characters will make their appearances on stage, from pipe entry to warp magic!

As the match begins, the characters enter the screen with signature moves! These fun appearances have been revived in Super Smash Bros. Brawl!

Mario appears out of a pipe. It's pretty basic.

Fox dashes out of the Arwing.

The condor appears! It's the Ice Climbers.

Pit comes riding in on light from the heavens.

Mr. Saturn's tea table? Lucas appears!

Could that be warp magic? It's Ike?

Snake's optical camouflage breaks up as he lands.

There's a three-second countdown before the match begins. And those are just a few of the fighters making their appearances.

Be sure to stick around for future Smash updates.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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I loved that from the original, may add only to nostalgic feel, but I'm glad to see this return.Smilie

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Me too. I missed it a lot in SSBM!

I wish they stopped telling us EVERYTHING about the game, there won't be any surprises left once we have the game n our hands. Some details are okay, like the stage creation mode, the playable characters, etc. But how they appear on stage? Too much. Next thing they'll show us will be the final battle, the credits rolling and how to unlock everything...

*prepares to receive negative comments*

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I say if this is what they are showing then can you imagine what is the hidden characters and levels?

charwiimario said:
I wish they stopped telling us EVERYTHING about the game, there wont be any surprises left once we have the game n our hands. Some details are okay, like the stage creation mode, the playable characters, etc. But how they appear on stage? Too much. Next thing theyll show us will be the final battle, the credits rolling and how to unlock everything... *prepares to receive negative comments*

This update isn't really a surprise. If you watched some of the E4All videos you will see the character intros.

YAY!!! I was wanting this.... I bet pikachu comes out of a pokeball... But i wonder how the pokemon trainer comes in...

No one is forcing you to look at the updates Smilie

Gibdo said:
No one is forcing you to look at the updates Smilie
nope I am, -stuffs random persons face into computer screen-Smilie

Very nice, will make you want to play as all the characters just to see their entrance.

This might start a debate but what do you think the pokemon trainers entrance will be... will he just walk up there or does he come out of the heavens just like chuck noris...

willoughbyjd said:
This might start a debate but what do you think the pokemon trainers entrance will be... will he just walk up there or does he come out of the heavens just like chuck noris...

He'll probally just run out and unleash his first pokemon since he stays in the background any way.

Yea but that not as exciting as one would hope...

Yeah awsome news! I wonder by the time this game will come out we will know about 50% of the content in it!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Nice enough update that is a nice nod to the original methinks.

iPwnd said:
Yeah awsome news! I wonder by the time this game will come out we will know about 50% of the content in it!
Watch... we probably haven't scratched the surface yet!Smilie

First pic: WTF?! It's the residents of Animal Crossing behind Mario!Smilie

Onwards, TO NOWHERE! Proud owner of Farming Simulator 2013.

well the date WAS pushed back till febuary so id imagine thier gonna run out out of stuff to post if all they do is big announcements. or medium ones...

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

OMG Snakes entrance!!!! Smilie

Fatman said:
well the date WAS pushed back till febuary so id imagine thier gonna run out out of stuff to post if all they do is big announcements. or medium ones...

I guess so, though they can post quite a few bits - we've still got a load of new levels, sounds, assist trophies, characters etc. The launch aint too far I guess - they've got about 12-15 weeks before it hits, so like 60 or so updates.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Fatman said:well the date WAS pushed back till febuary so id imagine thier gonna run out out of stuff to post if all they do is big announcements. or medium ones...
I guess so, though they can post quite a few bits - weve still got a load of new levels, sounds, assist trophies, characters etc. The launch aint too far I guess - theyve got about 12-15 weeks before it hits, so like 60 or so updates.

hmm Sakerai will most likely find a way to extend the updates up until launch, that being said, hopefully he can cut down on useless ones.

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

Fatman said:
jb said:
Fatman said:well the date WAS pushed back till febuary so id imagine thier gonna run out out of stuff to post if all they do is big announcements. or medium ones...
I guess so, though they can post quite a few bits - weve still got a load of new levels, sounds, assist trophies, characters etc. The launch aint too far I guess - theyve got about 12-15 weeks before it hits, so like 60 or so updates.
hmm Sakerai will most likely find a way to extend the updates up until launch, that being said, hopefully he can cut down on useless ones.

Or he'll make an annoucement that he's stopping the updates.

Yeah, sorry, I know most people do like the updates. I'm just the kind of gamer that likes to have many surprises when playing a new game. For example, I've seen like five Super Mario Galaxy videos and almost no screens at all. I just want to get the most out of the experience when I first play it. But some SSBB announcements do get me excited like when Sonic was announced, the create-a-stage thing that was revealed a few days ago... Anyway, thanks for not trashing me for saying that I disliked some of the updates =) (I post directly from under the news, so I can't make the smiley faces...)

Top games:
5-The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
4-Super Mario Galaxy
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1-Super Mario Bros

I'm stoked they brought this back. This is one of the neat little features I loved about the original Smash. lol I was bummed they didn't include it in Smash Melee. Smilie

Chock up another star for Smash Brawl. Smilie Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Mr. Saturn has a tea table?! How does he even drink tea?!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

IF they have Shadow the hedgehog as a playable character, that would be soo cool, but he wouldnt have the "Shadow the Hedgehog" for gamecube abilities. He should have Chaos control and Chaos blast ( chaos control being his down special and chaos blast being his neutral special). I just think that would be awesome. Dont you?

Go Typhlosion!

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