The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass has already been a massive success in Japan and the US, plus is currently riding high in the UK charts. But now word has come in of its d
word has come in of its d" />
By Adam Riley 29.10.2007
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass has already been a massive success in Japan and the US, plus is currently riding high in the UK charts. But now word has come in of its d
(39 Votes)
*hehe* In neeeds more then a crowbar to keep the top. It need a bumerang and an hourglass! Go Link!
I think he deserves it. I hope Metroid sells like shit in Germany, too, because it deservs it! *stunned from graphics and gameplay*
It deserves all the accolade and sales, I really loved that game.
Just hope Metroid does better in Europe than it did in the Britain (No.7).
Congrats to Zelda....really need to buy it.
A truly great game, that deserves every good thing it has coming to it.
This great success may be down to Nintendo's apparent 'dumbing down' of the game, and the greater appeal it now posses.
What ever it is, it is thoroughly deserved.
Just hope Metroid does better in Europe than it did in the Britain (No.7).
Anyway: Hourglass deserves it.
I think he means that it should do better in the rest of europe than in britain.
the game's supposed to be awesome according to my friend.. i still haven't taken time to tried it out. I'm waiting for 11/16/07 for Mario Galaxy release the problem is that games are so damn expensive
but I really want it.... oh, what to do.
Elrinth said:
I think he means that it should do better in the rest of europe than in britain.
Thank-you for explaining that, was quite obvious.