Nintendo Rumour | Animal Crossing Wii Goes MMO?

By Mike Mason 24.10.2007 24

Quick News: EDGE magazine have allegedly been told by a Japanese source that the Wii iteration of Animal Crossing will be an MMO (massively multiplayer online) game. Nintendo have refused to comment, but with the emphasis on the community aspect we wouldn’t be surprised to be having huge online fishing tournaments when it arrives.

Thanks to Fatman for the news tip.

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That would be so awesome! Smilie

That was kinda what I was hoping would be done for the DS version - though not an MMO entirely; but like having your town and then a "city" that you visit via Wi-fi. That city being where the MMO part takes place.

( Edited on 24.10.2007 20:11 by Jacob4000 )

Agreed Jacob - I'm not sure how well the series will work as an MMO, but it was sortof how I expected it to go. Though my hope was that Animal Crossing would be built into the Wii from launch and actually act as the menu system as well as a game, so...

Yeah I remember that topic of yours - would have really been an excellent Idea, especially coupled with Miis. Shame they never really did it. Could have blown PlayStation Home out of the water.

yeah i can see it be really cool but as the same time i dont see how it work

well every one have they own house? but with if u go down that way every one will have they own and all in one big mega town lol dont sound like the same game lol

If you ask me... children's game + MMO completely contradict each other...

I really don't think Nintendo would be up to something like that. Not only is Animal Crossing a game aimed at a younger audience, but an MMO is something you'd think Nintendo wouldn't even apply to a 12+ rated game... due to internet safety etc.

Still, they might think of something, but "since I'm the most sceptical person on the planet, I'm going to say no"

"Wait, don't you want to hear about the powerful cards I promised you?"

"You never said anything about powerful cards!"

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Anyway im not sure if AC is an MMO title?!!? Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

MMO...with friend codes?...I hope its true, but what about all the paedophiles that play Wii!!??

Jacob4000 said:
That would be so awesome! SmilieThat was kinda what I was hoping would be done for the DS version - though not an MMO entirely; but like having your town and then a city that you visit via Wi-fi. That city being where the MMO part takes place.( Edited on 24.10.2007 20:11 by Jacob4000 )

Having it that way would be really awesome, I'd like to think so anyways, Nintendo might eff up somewhere though...

Or, maybe even cities by region/country/state!Smilie If I can't visit Europe in life, I'll have to do it in video games!Smilie

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

If this is true we could set up a nice second life c3 world.Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

MMO's suck and are highly overated.

Loads of people online in principle should be fun, but gameplay seems inversely preportional to numbers.

Every MMO I have played seems to purely be about doing repedative task X,Y or Z to "level up", in the false impression your achieving anything other then eating your life away. Seriously, generic fantasy, space, all seems to come down to just fighting and leveling, fighting and leveling.

Give me smaller online number of people, but more diverse gameplay any day.

20 player 4-Swords, for instance, would ownz way more then any MMO.

Animal Crossing, likewise, would be better if it was a GMO (group multiplayer online).

I have nothing against vaste numbers of people, but developers dont seem to have the resources to do both that AND make diverse, interesting gameplay.

So lets have small scale, more puzzle based online games eh?

(/ok, one exception, if someone made MMO of bomberman, then that would be fun) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame may as well have just summed up the meaning of life, that's how moving & 100% true (Smilie) his post was. Some stars for you my man!! Smilie

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I'll be dissapointed if it's anything less than an MMO game on Wii.

w00t first news submission! I really hope it's true though, I'm getting the game regardless. yummmm MMO...Smilie

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

Trepe said:
Ill be dissapointed if its anything less than an MMO game on Wii.

Same here, I want the same degree of options you find with thosegames. It will be funny because it's in stark contrast to AC on the DS. I hope the announce a new version there also, and one with compatibility with the Wii game.


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I don't wannit to be an MMO... if it is I'll automatically hate it, because I hate MMOs, but I love Animal Crossing. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm with you SL. I have no desire to play games online, even if I had the facility to do so. I want my games to be a complete and self sustaining entity.

The internet is full of tossers (especially in MMOs) who have nothing better to do than annoy people. I do not care to wade through the muck to find people who aren't tossers. I can see the possibility of making contact and playing friends online, but it ends there.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

I don't mind if AC Wii was online, like WW, & maybe a bit more free (with more speech & keyboard options plz) but an MMO, hell no. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

As long as theres no subscription fee, I wouldn't mind.
It'd be my first MMO.

I think it might be interesting but i would rather the way the original game went, but with freind codes so you can visit only your friends towns.. (no pedos that way)

This is amazing! But I don't have online. Smilie

YAAAAAAAAAYY!!!! im so excited ( if its real) i love animal crossing and i even told my friend they were making one for wii and he didnt belive me, i didnt belive me whoooo

Go Typhlosion!

Animal Crossing is overrated shit, unless they do something completely different with it then I'm not interested.

It will be interesting too see how the game turns out now they have hardware thats more powerful than an N64 for the first time.

I'd prefer to have the option of going online, rather than being forced to do it. It would also greatly reduce sales of the game, because only about 40% (?) of Wii owners are online methinks. I'd rather go online with a few friends and talk and stuff rather than be in a massive city.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

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