Nintendo News | Smash Update: Target Test and Recordable Brawl

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.10.2007 16

Nintendo expands on the STADIUM mode in Smash Bros. Brawl by revealing the return of Target Test and the ability to record your performances!

A target-breaking mode has appeared in every game in the Smash series. It's a mode that challenges you to break ten targets within a given time limit

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Only 3 minutes?...But Wii has 512mb memory...couldn't they allow a little more recording time? (like monkey ball - you could record untill your whole memory stick was full)

That all sounds great, sending out replays should be pretty cool. It seems to have the kind of tweaks you would expect. Another bit of the game improved methinks.

I am sure 3 mins is adequate unless you are severely crap at Target Test.

( Edited on 24.10.2007 13:02 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

Maybe that's 3 minutes of the same match? I dunno...

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SuperLink said:
Maybe thats 3 minutes of the same match? I dunno...

Fingers crossed for that.

I'm sure you can replay the whole match, but you can probably only record & save some section of it.

It's really good though, because unlike taking snap-shots with the pause screen, you can just watch the replay at the end of the match, right? & then edit it to how you wish.

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About the target-breaking mode.... 5 levels? Do you think that's per character, like last games??

If it's the same 5 levels for every character:


If it's 5 different levels for EACh character.


I'm guessing there's something you unlock when you beat 5 levels with every character :3

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
If its the same 5 levels for every character:LAMEIf its 5 different levels for EACh character.ORSIMIm guessing theres something you unlock when you beat 5 levels with every character :3

Canyarion said:
About the target-breaking mode.... 5 levels? Do you think thats per character, like last games??

From the looks of things it'll probably be 5 different themed environments (like those screens), but different formats like Melee/Original

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
SuperLink said:If its the same 5 levels for every character:LAMEIf its 5 different levels for EACh character.ORSIMIm guessing theres something you unlock when you beat 5 levels with every character :3
Canyarion said:About the target-breaking mode.... 5 levels? Do you think thats per character, like last games??
From the looks of things itll probably be 5 different themed environments (like those screens), but different formats like Melee/Original

Hopefully, though it'd still be better if it were completely different for each character, not just format wise (whatever you mean by that:rollSmilie.

Oh wait, I get ya'. But I still stand by what I said...

( Edited on 24.10.2007 15:00 by TheEvilShyGuy )

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Great to see this back.

mmmmm... recording...

@ Ken Kutaragi

Look at the last pic. It has a tab for the SD Card, which can hold up to 2 gigs of data. This means that you can save a lot of replay files.

Also the replays will probably be bone data and the other stuff will be loaded in when the replay file is accessed. This means that a replay file could be less than a 1MB.

patjuan32 said:
@ Ken KutaragiLook at the last pic. It has a tab for the SD Card, which can hold up to 2 gigs of data. This means that you can save a lot of replay files.Also the replays will probably be bone data and the other stuff will be loaded in when the replay file is accessed. This means that a replay file could be less than a 1MB.

Yeah we know that replays are quite small and that the Wii has relatively lot of memory (which is also expandable)...but still in the description it says 3 minutes of recording...which is ambiguous..hopefully its per match...

( Edited on 24.10.2007 18:32 by Zack )

I hope you can play the replays in camera mode to make some cool movies.

I am quite sure it is per match.

I like the fact that you can send it to your friends... You can humiliate the mess out of someone and send it to all your friends...

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