Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Little Mac Joins the Brawl

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.10.2007 11

Nintendo have released a minor update today on the Official Smash Bros. website, revealing a return of one of the classic Punch Out! characters, Little Mac, as an assist trophy.

Once there was a legendary man. He knocked heavyweight boxers many times his own size to the mat en route to a W.V.B.A. title.

Little Mac appears from Punch Out!

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Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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SmilieLil Mac looks so dope. He reminds me of Ippo from Hajime no Ippo. Any way I would've loved to have him as a playable character though. He would probally be my favorite like Balrog from Street Fighter.

Awesome Punch Out! is one of my favorite games

oi! Its going to be worse than Mortal Kombat 3 ultimate with a zillion characters and about 3 different ones in reality.

Ph00p said:
oi! Its going to be worse than Mortal Kombat 3 ultimate with a zillion characters and about 3 different ones in reality.
Is it me or is this guy an idiot.

Anyway little mac looks rocking

J Tangle said:
SmilieLil Mac looks so dope. He reminds me of Ippo from Hajime no Ippo. Any way I wouldve loved to have him as a playable character though. He would probally be my favorite like Balrog from Street Fighter.

Take the advice I gave you the other day and get PunchOut on the NES [500], it's videogame comedy and VERY FUN Smilie. Don't get Victorius Boxers!, unless you are a -BIG- fan of the Anime.

Fantastic update, VERY happy about this inclusion..please come to Wii.

( Edited on 18.10.2007 14:44 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

Man, these assist trophies need to be proper characters!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Linkyshinks [LS] said:
J Tangle said:SmilieLil Mac looks so dope. He reminds me of Ippo from Hajime no Ippo. Any way I wouldve loved to have him as a playable character though. He would probally be my favorite like Balrog from Street Fighter.
Take the advice I gave you the other day and get PunchOut on the NES [500], its videogame comedy and VERY FUN Smilie. Dont get Victorius Boxers!, unless you are a -BIG- fan of the Anime. Fantastic update, VERY happy about this inclusion..please come to Wii.( Edited on 18.10.2007 14:44 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

yeah yeah I took your advice LS, but you know Tangle do love his anime so I may get Bleach. Oh yeah I still have 1200 points left I just bought Sin & Punishment yesterday it's an very addictive game. I'll look into punchout later I'm still waiting for Kirby Super Star to drop on VC if it ever does. Also have you or any one else heard any thing on the Kirby from Gamecube coming to Wii?

jb said:
Man, these assist trophies need to be proper characters!

Exactly Lil Mac deserves a character slot on Brawl just look at him, he's ready to do some pwning.Smilie

You know you coulda just gotten it on Animal Crossing & played it for free rather than spending

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His final smash could be Big Mac attack!

Sorry, bad pun...

( Edited on 19.10.2007 02:15 by PK Mongoose )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

J Tangle said:
SmilieLil Mac looks so dope. He reminds me of Ippo from Hajime no Ippo. Any way I wouldve loved to have him as a playable character though. He would probally be my favorite like Balrog from Street Fighter.

Yeah, I saw this news on the SMBB site and I was thinking he would be a new, refreshing character, already made for fighting and all. Then I noticed it said he was an assist trophy Smilie. Still cool to have someone so retro redone in Brawl.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

J Tangle said:
Linkyshinks [LS] said:
J Tangle said:SmilieLil Mac looks so dope. He reminds me of Ippo from Hajime no Ippo. Any way I wouldve loved to have him as a playable character though. He would probally be my favorite like Balrog from Street Fighter.
Take the advice I gave you the other day and get PunchOut on the NES [500], its videogame comedy and VERY FUN Smilie. Dont get Victorius Boxers!, unless you are a -BIG- fan of the Anime. Fantastic update, VERY happy about this inclusion..please come to Wii.( Edited on 18.10.2007 14:44 by Linkyshinks [LS] )
yeah yeah I took your advice LS, but you know Tangle do love his anime so I may get Bleach. Oh yeah I still have 1200 points left I just bought Sin & Punishment yesterday its an very addictive game. Ill look into punchout later Im still waiting for Kirby Super Star to drop on VC if it ever does. Also have you or any one else heard any thing on the Kirby from Gamecube coming to Wii?
jb said:Man, these assist trophies need to be proper characters!
Exactly Lil Mac deserves a character slot on Brawl just look at him, hes ready to do some pwning.Smilie

Nope, not heard anything on Kirby. If you are a fan of Kirby I have a cool gift for you this Christmas if you want it, I will have to post it to you though. Alternatively send me a list of Anime you like to help with getting you a cool present here. I can get my hands on cool stuff like little Bleach models. Sin And punishment is class.

Onoez, I missed that above text I was so happy at seeing Lil Mac. This is stupid I agree jb why the hell is he merely a assist trophy when he could be a very popular full blown player. It makes no sense to me, I think he would be very popular Smilie.

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