Wario Ware First Details

By Adam Riley 29.01.2003 1

Recently placed on Nintendo release lists, little has been heard about this new Wario outing. But we have the first details here, thanks to DVD Box Office:

"Greed has once again gotten the best of Wario, but this time, he's seeking his riches in the game industry! With a penny-pinching eye on development costs, Wario and his friends in Diamond City have put together a batch of hundreds of micro-sized games covering every genre thinkable. Wario will be laughing his way to the bank entertaining you with his silliest money-making scheme yet!

"Get ready for the most frantic game play of all time as you play through over 200 lightning-quick microgames you simply can't put down! Wario Ware has ultra-simple controls and a seemingly never-ending supply of wacky microgames, so gamers of all ages can pick it up and have fun immediately. The rapid-fire nature of the game play makes it ideal for playing in brief sittings, like while you're waiting for the bus. With an offbeat cast of bizarre characters and games that reflect Wario's unique brand of weird humor, this game is laugh-out-loud funny."

The game is due to for release on the 27th May, 2003 and is rated ERSB Everyone.

If this turns out to be anywhere near as good as WarioLand 4, then it will surely be a must-buy!

To pre-order your copy now, for the low price of [b]

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