Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: WarioWare: Ashley

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.10.2007 12

Nintendo starts a double-update on the Smash Bros. Brawl website on a musical note with Ashley's theme from WarioWare.

It's Ashley's Song from WarioWare Touched! It includes vocals. What do you think of this rhythmic arrangement?

Smash Bros. Dojo is being unveiled worldwide in 6+1 languages. (This is the main page where you select your language. The "+1" simply stands for the subtle differences between American and British English.)

In the Japanese version, you can enjoy the Japanese, original version of this song. On the pages for the other languages, you can enjoy a version for which the Treehouse at Nintendo of America recorded the vocals.

I'll go ahead and link to both of them.

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i love that song but dont have the same feeling as the old one but i like the japan one better lol

Those links are not appearing for me but I do recall Ashley's song which is mad so it's definitely a apt inclusion.

I think it sounds great! Smilie it's pretty funny how they funked it up. Probably will be one of the songs for the Warioware stage.

Yeah, I think the Japanese version is better too, it's cute ^^

Does anyone remember the so called "subliminal messages" in Ashley's theme?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Great stuff.

Actualy, i see potential!
Nintendo should give Ashley her own game.
Probably a graphic-adventure style thing for the DS would work best. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Great stuff.Actualy, i see potential!Nintendo should give Ashley her own game.Probably a graphic-adventure style thing for the DS would work best.

Ya, sounds good! Would be great to see these WW characters have their own stories/spin-off adventures.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Agreed. Probably every WW character has potential for a whole story just for themselves, because we only see little snippets of their seemingly exciting lives. What other Warioware characters could be playable in Brawl? I think it's possible for there to be another. Could be anyone though, Ashley is surprisingly popular as a character. I guess a lot of people like the whole evil cute thing.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

9-Volt was awesome too. And so were Dribble and Spitz.

But Ashley has the best music. :3

I love the japanese versionSmilie, but in the english one I heard something like "grandmas a wick"Smilie

Why'd they change the singer? Now she sounds like a chick from Ashley! The broadway musical!


( Edited on 09.10.2007 14:36 by planetidiot )

Awesome, I loved that tune is WW Touched. Smilie It would be awesome if a WareWare character was playable...
Jimmy T please. Smilie

Meh, I thought the japanese one would be better, but if you ask me, the voices for both sound kind of corny. The song in general is just... meh.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

I like the American one better. The Japanese voice bugs me Smilie

TAG: That American Guy

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