Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Shadow Moses Island

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.10.2007 37

Today's update on the Smash Bros. Dojo brings a whole load of new media on Konami's Snake as he brings with him the Metal Gear themed Shadow Moses Island level.

This stage recreates the structure in front of the helipad on Shadow Moses Island. Walls tower over the stage on the left and right, giving it a caged death-match feel.

You can destroy the walls on the left and right with attacks. Those who aren't skilled at launching foes upward may want to be proactive about attacking them.

Oh, and occasionally a Metal Gear will appear from the background.

Apparently one other kind appears, too. It's supposedly a slightly newer model.

On this stage, Snake communicates with his team to learn the key characteristics of his rivals... Whoa... Seriously?

We've intercepted some of these communications and we're delivering those to you now.

  • Shadow Moses Island Videos
  • Snake Introduction Videos

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    HAL Laboratory







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    SmilieThey all play at the same time. Smilie

    Best updates yet.Smilie

    This game looks like one of the funniest games i've seen in a long time.

    Snake sounds so perverted during the samus one.

    "Mei Ling, Samus took her clothes off!"

    "oh, without that bulky powersuit, she's gotten a bit more...agile"

    Hmm? For some reason all the extra movies only appeared on the US website... By the way, there's another one with Otacon talking about Yoshi I think. Either it hasn't been put on the first post yet or my PC hasn't been loading properly >.<

    EDIT: Nevermind, it's there now.

    EDIT2: Oh my god! I just watched the ones from the US site... & they're literally hilarious! It's so awesome how they treat them so seriously, & how Snake says he wants to taste Yoshi Smilie Smilie Smilie completely awesome. I wonder if there will be one for every character?

    ( Edited on 02.10.2007 12:26 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Oh my god, that level looks so fun Smilie. Going to go watch the movies now.

    two word: F*cking Awesome, I also like that David Hayter's doing Snakes voice in the game.

    they all so funny i love it

    samus one is the best lol XD it her lose

    Damn fine update! Really liking the lil' clips Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Smilie u think they be in the story mode?

    Maybe this means that Snake will have his own Single Player Mode separate fromt he main storyline.

    Awesome updates! Smilie

    I wonder how it works though. Will the movies appear in multiplayer battles too?

    SmilieSmilie Best video ever... "BY FARTING?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!" Smilie haha looks like this will be the game of the century!!

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    Is anyone else really worried that most of these videos & the part about getting info on your rivals aren't on any of the European websites at all? They'd better still be in the EU versions of the game... if not, why the hell would they take them out?! I bet it would be some stupid censorship or something...

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink said:
    Is anyone else really worried that most of these videos & the part about getting info on your rivals arent on any of the European websites at all? Theyd better still be in the EU versions of the game... if not, why the hell would they take them out?! I bet it would be some stupid censorship or something...

    Yeah I noticed how the videos are only on the US & Japan websites, but I'm not really sure why they're not on any of the other sites thoughSmilie.

    SuperLink said:
    Is anyone else really worried that most of these videos & the part about getting info on your rivals arent on any of the European websites at all? Theyd better still be in the EU versions of the game... if not, why the hell would they take them out?! I bet it would be some stupid censorship or something...

    I'm guessing they haven't done the European language voice-overs yet.. possibly, or if it's going to stay in English the European subs. As UK's in Europe *possibly* they've not included those clips for that reason - really weird though!

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Fantastic videos Smilie.

    Hey, I live in the Netherlands and I speak great English. Don't take out the fun because some other Europeans refuse to learn English!

    But I highly doubt they'd keep them out.

    Ha, much lawls there, too funny. Dunno about that stage though, never played any of the Metal Gear Solid games so I'm not that excited about it. Still a nice update.

    ( Edited on 02.10.2007 19:37 by TheEvilShyGuy )

    Proud United State-ian

    He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

    Huh? Who's footprints are these?

    That shadow moses level looks freaking amazing! It really looks alot like the PS1 version rather than the more grey GC remake Smilie.
    Seems they have brought the exclamation mark from MGS over aswell hopfully the Alert! noise usally accompanied by it is there.

    ( Edited on 02.10.2007 19:40 by Blade2t3 )

    Has anyone noticed that the gameplay for brawl seems a bit slower than melee? I also remember nintendo saying they were going to change the speed of the game so it's more appealing to other audiences.
    Any opinions?

    Robertd1138 said:
    Maybe this means that Snake will have his own Single Player Mode separate fromt he main storyline.

    I'm hoping every character will have a separate story and that they all intertwine to make up the one player mode. Then you can get more parts of the story with every character you unlock. But of course ,this is just wishful thinking. It's probably just a fun little extra you get when you play as Snake.

    Awesome is what i gotta say.

    L said:
    Has anyone noticed that the gameplay for brawl seems a bit slower than melee? I also remember nintendo saying they were going to change the speed of the game so its more appealing to other audiences.Any opinions?
    Super Smash Bros 64 was criticised for being too slow.

    Super Smash Bros Melee was criticised for being too fast.


    What was that noise?

    This gun, is the best gun ever!

    EDIT: By the way, it says so in the update, these little clips happen when Snake is fighting on this stage. Example, if one player is Snake & another is Yoshi, & you play on Shadow Moses, you will probably see that scene as the match starts. Of course you'll have the option to skip it, but hopefully there will be an awesome little MGS skit/scene for each character in Brawl. Smilie

    ( Edited on 02.10.2007 21:02 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    How about I capture one to see what they taste like?

    Yoshi Stew...yum...

    It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

    This level was joint developed by the metal gear team wasn't it...its so amazing!!!!! One of the best looking levels so far!

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

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