Mike Hickey of Janco Partners, Take-Two is keen to expand its Bioshock 'series', which will likely include editions of the game coming to Wii, PS3 and even handhelds by the fiscal year 2009. Do you think the game would be a good fit for Nintendo's systems? Let us know by posting inside..." /> News: Nintendo Speculation | Bioshock Coming to Wii and DS by 2009? Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo Speculation | Bioshock Coming to Wii and DS by 2009?

By Adam Riley 26.09.2007 24

Quick News - According to analyst Mike Hickey of Janco Partners, Take-Two is keen to expand its Bioshock 'series', which will likely include editions of the game coming to Wii, PS3 and even handhelds by the fiscal year 2009.

Do you think the game would be a good fit for Nintendo's systems? Let us know by posting inside...

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So this is just an Analyst's guess? I dunno. The developer does seem very keen on turning Bioshock into the next GTA, I suppose we'll see in the coming months how they plan to do that.

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Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Lies! All lies

CCRJD... thats the funniest thing ive seen this year!!! SmilieSmilieSmilie STARRED!!

Anyway back on topic... from the videos Ive seen Bioshock looks awsome... so it would be foolish if they just kept as an exclusive... so the more consoles it gets released on the better! So lets hope this turns out to be true!

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iPwnd said:
CCRJD... thats the funniest thing ive seen this year!!! SmilieSmilieSmilie STARRED!!
Really?...I saw it ages ago...

The main selling point for bioshock was its graphics so i'm not sure hw it'll work on Wii and Ds...but it could be cool.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

""The main selling point for bioshock was its..""

...story, humour, gameplay ideas, and the reputation built on System Shock.

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Exclusive Wii Bioshock screensot.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I wouldn't be surprised if it looked like that CCRJDSmilie

^^ well good i cant wait to see -_- and stop joking about how it bad it may look i know they do a good work

I'm sure they could make a good port of it, if they focused enough man-power and money into the project. It could be a respectable game, but only if they really put effort into it.

That being said, I doubt it will happen. I'm guessing it will stay 360/PC exclusive.



Image for

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

They're not talking about a direct port, it's about the recent comments of turning it into a complete series/franchise it would seem.

yes yes, all those animated gifs are so very funny and original. Smilie

maybe you could post an amusingly-captioned jpeg of you ****ing **** *** ****?

PS3!! Sweet then I can play it!

If they actually make effort with the game's graphics, & the control system, then it could work great I think.

Developers have shown that you don't need the most powerful console in the world to make games look smooth, like Mario Galaxy, Metroid, or FFCC. It could work. When I first saw it it was a bit of a "LOL!" Shocker.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'd rather them bring a similar game out for Wii and call it something else to stop people (mainly reviewers) from making a direct comparison to the 360 game. Might get better scores that way.

( Edited on 27.09.2007 09:32 by IfritXVII )

I also would prefer something entirely new, and I dont want a sequel to Bioshock on any format and 2K are very money driven after the good sales so it is now a strong possibility.

Play Bioshock even if you have a old PC-

Those with a old Graphics card on PC can now play Bioshock even if they only have Shader Model 2 support- Download the demo or obtain a copy of the game and attach this mod-


IfritXVII said:
Id rather them bring a similar game out for Wii and call it something else to stop people (mainly reviewers) from making a direct comparison to the 360 game. Might get better scores that way.
Actually, forget my post, agree with this entirely. People will not help but make stupid comparisons with the 360 or PC versions. A new game plz.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Even if they put all their effort into making the Wii port good, you can't possibly except it to be even remotely as pleasant aesthetically as the other versions. The 360 struggled to run it...

Linkyshinks [LS] said:
I also would prefer something entirely new, and I dont want a sequel to Bioshock on any format and 2K are very money driven after the good sales so it is now a strong possibility.Play Bioshock even if you have a old PC-Those with a old Graphics card on PC can now play Bioshock even if they only have Shader Model 2 support- Download the demo or obtain a copy of the game and attach this mod-http://uk.gamespot.com/pc/action/bioshock/download.html?sid=6178190

Even if I wanted to play Bioshock on my Mac (through Windows), I can't. My graphics card only supports Direct X9 (I think that is what it is called - I'm no techno geek) and therefore no newer games that run on Direct X10.

Not sure that I really care all that much though.

As for a Wii game, I agree with those comments on a different game, not a port. Ports of 360 and PS3 games are a mistake. All Wii games need to be built from the ground up, not the top down. It is a unique experience that requires a unique experience.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

oldschool said:
Linkyshinks [LS] said:I also would prefer something entirely new, and I dont want a sequel to Bioshock on any format and 2K are very money driven after the good sales so it is now a strong possibility.Play Bioshock even if you have a old PC-Those with a old Graphics card on PC can now play Bioshock even if they only have Shader Model 2 support- Download the demo or obtain a copy of the game and attach this mod-http://uk.gamespot.com/pc/action/bioshock/download.html?sid=6178190
Even if I wanted to play Bioshock on my Mac (through Windows), I cant. My graphics card only supports Direct X9 (I think that is what it is called - Im no techno geek) and therefore no newer games that run on Direct X10.Not sure that I really care all that much though.As for a Wii game, I agree with those comments on a different game, not a port. Ports of 360 and PS3 games are a mistake. All Wii games need to be built from the ground up, not the top down. It is a unique experience that requires a unique experience.

DX9 is fine Oldschool, the PC game/demo can run on both as many new PC games will continue to do up until late next year when a full transition will likely be made.

If you have XP it will play fine and a DX9 card and 1 Gig RAM you are good to go. PM me your specs by looking at your control panel or whatever it's called for you Mac people.

You have a new Mac! Smilie, you should be able to play it with no problems at all. Check your system devices to see what graphics card is installed. I suspect you may well be able to play many upcoming games with no problem at all if you have a new Mac with a partitioned drive. It will be at least 2 years before developers exclude DX9 support in games.

I bet you that you can play this game fine, just make sure your current specs are OK enough-

[PM me your current specs)


Pentium 4 or better, 2.4ghz or higher

RAM 1 Gigabyte min

DX 9.0c Sound Card

DX 9.0c Graphics card with 128mb min, (Nvidia 6600 or above/
Ati X1300 or above)

8 Gigabytes of free HD space

( Edited on 27.09.2007 19:17 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

I've had Bioshock for over a month now and barely touched it. I just dont find it fun.
Its not that I havent had time to play it. I got Super Paper Mario at the beginning of the week and Ive completed the main story line there.
Perhaps I should go back to Bioshcok and give it one more chance.

But if they do make a Wii Bioshock, I hope they do something a little different with it.

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As long as it's not repetetive like Red Steel, & has a good story with nice graphics (& a good multiplayer maybe?) then the Wii controls would be enough for it to be more fun.

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