states Viva Pinata: Party Animals will also come to Wii as well as Xbox 360, plus the Ogre Battle team is working on a Wii strategy RPG. Whilst the latter seems a strong possibility, Pinata is a Rare/Microsoft brand, so it seems doubtful it could come to Wii. Share your thoughts on these inside..." /> News: Nintendo Rumours | Ogre Battle Team & Viva Pinata on Wii? Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo Rumours | Ogre Battle Team & Viva Pinata on Wii?

By Adam Riley 25.09.2007 12

Quick News - The latest EGM rumour column states Viva Pinata: Party Animals will also come to Wii as well as Xbox 360, plus the Ogre Battle team is working on a Wii strategy RPG. Whilst the latter seems a strong possibility, Pinata is a Rare/Microsoft brand, so it seems doubtful it could come to Wii.

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Would be VERY odd of Microsoft to allow a Viva Pinata game on Wii - I highly doubt that one...

Rare not making the party :/ its rare brand but they not making it so it may do and wii is where u want to go with a game like that lol

Lol, what shite.

No Longer Temporarily Banned.

Rare is owned by Microsoft though, so it would be entirely in their court, not Rare's.

MS owns Rare, Rare owns Viva Pinata...Krome Studios is merely licensing the brand name whilst Rare does VP on DS. Where this rumour for VP on Wii comes from I have no idea Smilie

It'd be great to see the Ogre Battle team (Quest) back in action. But will Square Enix let the name 'Ogre Battle' go (since it's not bloody used it since acquiring it many years ago)?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I dunno, it wont happen unless Nintendo by back RARE from MS.

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Who cares about that poorly done Animal Crossing clone! The bigger rumour here is that Quest will once more stand up and fight to the "March Of The Black Queen"; on the f*%$ing Wii!!!!!!!1!1!!!!111!

Viva Pinata is clearly not an Animal Crossing clone, have you played it? It's more like a bit of Harvest Moon mixed with a bit of Pokemon and something completely different...

I wouldn't be suprised to see VP on Wii. Do Rare really own the Pinata brand? Even if they do, why would they be opposed to the franchise appearing on Wii? Microsoft would just licence the name out and release Krome's game on Nintendo's console.

A Rare-developed Wii game just wouldn't happen though. That'd be silly.

Less posty, more gamey.

Rare created the VP license in conjunction with 4Kids. I suppose a non-Rare developed game could come...just like a MechAssault Wii game hasn't been ruled out by Day:1Smilietudios.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Ogre Battle Team would be GREAT!

I also quite liked Viva Pinata, wouldn't mind if it appeared on the Wii also.

I really can't see Rare being totally happy with the Viva Pinata IP being handed to some other developer in the first place, so I'd say it's not entirely out of the question. Microsoft will do as they want with anybody's IPs, as long as it makes them money.

Which makes me think. Rare's games aren't doing amazingly well on the Xbox 360, are they? Wouldn't it be nice if Microsoft decided to let Rare work on a Wii title, because the market for Rare is there. It'd be much more lucrative for Microsoft if this were to happen, surely?

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