Nintendo Wii News | Virtual Console Gets the Rage, Plus an Avalanche

By Adam Riley 25.09.2007 1

The latest updates have hit US Wii systems, meaning gamers can now log onto the Virtual Console service and download three new 'classic' titles from yesteryear. But what is on offer this week? Well, leading the pack is the US version of puzzle game Kirby's Ghost Trap, followed by Streets of Rage 3 and LEGEND OF HERO TONMA. Check out details all them all below:

Kirby's Avalanche (Super NES, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points)
Everyone's favorite round, pink hero takes a break from swallowing his enemies to put your brain to work in this fast-paced puzzle game. Players take control of Kirby and match wits with well-known enemies from the Kirby series (including his archrival, King Dedede) in an effort to win the First Annual Dream Land Avalanche Competition. The simple-but-addictive game play revolves around brightly colored blobs and boulders. When the right amount of matching blobs are stacked, they explode and rain down on your opponent's field of play. Repeat this until your screen is clear to move on to the next round. But be careful

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Is Streets of Rage 3 the version that never had a Western release before? Or am I thinking of Golden Axe 3? Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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